7 Reasons Making Bhutan the Happiest Country in the World

Top Reasons Making Bhutan the Happiest Country in the World

Many people think Bhutan is an impoverished country and that happiness comes from living in a poor country. However, this is a massive fallacy because Bhutan is a prosperous country. The poverty rate in Bhutan is less than 1%, so that anyone can live in Bhutan. The Bhutanese value personal freedom more than almost any other country globally, so living in Bhutan means that you have a lot of freedom.

The top 7 reason that makes Bhutan the Happiest Country are:

#1. The people of Bhutan are not Extreme Communistic

One big reason for Bhutan’s happiness is that they are not extreme communistic in any way, but they do value individual freedom and self-determination. You can’t help yourself if you don’t want to, and you will be responsible for your actions. This is unlike most countries where people have no choice. This is a big difference, and it leads to a higher standard of living in Bhutan.

#2. They Don’t Involve in any Conflict

The Bhutanese tend to be very peaceful and quiet people. They live very peacefully and are rarely involved with any drama or conflict. Bhutan’s culture is based on simplicity, and as a result, there is very little violence or poverty in the country. This is one of the main reasons that the happiness in Bhutan is such a high grade.

#3. Education System is Extremely Good

The best reason why happiness comes so quickly in this country is that the education system is perfect. All of the country’s governments can provide excellent education and schooling for all children, and the people are always willing to educate others who come to the country. The quality of education in Bhutan is unrivaled, and when you consider all of the other countries in the world that are struggling to educate their youth, it becomes clear just how much Bhutan is ahead of the pack.

#4. The Government of Bhutan does not Prohibit any Religion

Another critical element in the happiness of the people in Bhutan is that they can freely practice their religion. However, the government does not prohibit any religion from being practiced. It is a minor consideration when you consider the level of happiness the country is experiencing. Buddhism is the most popular religion in the country, and it allows people to live their lives in a way that respects others and God.

There is very little pressure in Bhutan, and the people live very happily ever after. Religious freedom and flexibility are what make life in Bhutan so enjoyable. When you consider these two factors, you can see why making Bhutan the happiest place on earth is such a possibility.

Read also: Reasons Why October is Ideal for Bhutan Travel

#5. Nature of Bhutan is on its Charm

Bhutan has some of the most incredible views you can find anywhere, and this is another crucial element in making life in the country so positive. The combination of mountains, valleys, and beautiful scenery makes it an attraction for tourists worldwide. You have the advantage of living life in a natural setting, which makes you feel happy no matter where you go. It doesn’t matter whether you want to take a walk or climb a mountain; you will be surrounded by beauty.

#6. It is the Hub for Travel Lovers

While you enjoy the country’s beauty, you can further appreciate the positive aspects that make a living in Bhutan so incredible. One of the top reasons people choose Bhutan as their travel destination is the country’s people. The Buddhist culture that is alive and well in Bhutan is something that you cannot easily forget once you step foot in the country. It is a culture that makes you feel welcome and respected, and this is the primary way that people in Bhutan enjoy their lives.

#7. Not a Language Barrier

One of the reasons people do not really talk about too much when it comes to Bhutan’s happiness is the language barrier. The people in the country speak a language that some of us can’t understand, but it does not matter because most of them can speak English quite well. 


It is essential that if you ever get the opportunity to visit Bhutan, you take a few days and see what makes this country such a wonderful experience. Enjoying the happiness that is found in Bhutan is something that you should do regularly. Once you have made this decision, you will not want to go anywhere else.

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