Update: Government of Uttarakhand issue health advisory for Char Dham Yatra


Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) has issued a health advisory for pilgrims’ health and safety to ensure pilgrims’ safety on the Char Dham yatra.

Char Dham shrines are located in high altitude areas around 2700 m above sea level, which may pose health risks to pilgrims with comorbidities due to excessive ultraviolet radiation, extremely cold conditions, low humidity, and lack of oxygen.

This health advisory has been shared through several channels, including the department’s own social media accounts. Pilgrims are encouraged to get their health examined before setting off from their respective destinations for the Char Dham pilgrimage.

Additionally, the health advisory advises anyone suffering from a disease to bring along their doctor’s phone number, their prescription, as well as adequate supplies of medicine. Furthermore, senior citizens with serious ailments and those with post-Covid complications should not go to Char Dham Yatra at the moment.

In addition, the advisory advised people to avoid strenuous exercise at high altitudes as part of precautions. As per its recommendations, pilgrims should drink two liters of fluids daily, eat a nutritious diet, and travel slowly for acclimatization. Pilgrims who suffer from acute mountain sicknesses such as fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, congestion, raised heart rate, fast breathing, etc. are advised to contact a nearby medical facility.

Additionally, the advisory recommends that pilgrims avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, caffeine drinks, and strong painkillers during the journey, as well as smoking. Furthermore, health officials have strengthened health infrastructure along Char Dham routes.

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