From October Foreign Tourists Can Apply for RAP and PAP online to visit Sikkim

Tso Lhamu Lake, Sikkim

From October this year, foreign tourists can apply for Restricted Area Permits (RAPs) and Protected Area Permits (PAPs) online in the Himalayan state of Sikkim. From October, foreigners will be able to apply online for Restrict Area Permits and Protected Area Permits through a dedicated website, the official said, adding that work on the dedicated website is ongoing.

A valid Indian visa is required for foreigners to visit Sikkim on the strength of a Restricted Area Permit (RAP), formerly known as an InnerLine Permit. In his Independence Day speech, Prem Singh Tamang announced that foreign tourists can apply online for RAPs and PAPs.

Foreign tourists can now apply for RAP and PAP online thanks to the chief minister’s announcement. Travel Agents Association of Sikkim (TAAS) had been pressing for this for a long time.

“TAAS thanks the chief minister for understanding the people’s demand since 60 percent of the state’s economy is based on tourism,” Norgey Lachungpa, president of the organization, said.

Restricted Area Permits (RAPs) & Protected Area Permits (PAPs) this issued free of cost by the government (excluding transport costs. For more information visit the website

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