How Safe Is Cambodia for Travel? 5 Travel Safety Tips

How Safe Is Cambodia for Travel 5 Travel Safety Tips

Cambodia is a safe place for travelers to visit in the world but due to criminal cases in Southeast Asia, many times travelers have to suffer because of criminal cases, so if you are planning to visit Cambodia, then first read the information given here. Read well and prepare yourself well so that you do not have to get into any trouble.

List of the 5 tips on traveling safely to Cambodia:

1. Petty Crime in Cambodia

If you go to Cambodia, then you must know that there are many crimes like chain pulling and pocket cutting in Cambodia, this type of incident often happens with the travelers arriving here. When you are in a crowded area then you may have to face the problem of this type of theft. There is a whole gang of vicious thieves who make your valuables like chains, purses, etc.

Here it has been seen many times that when you are having breakfast or food while sitting in a food plaza or restaurant, your purse is stolen by the thief, so be very careful at such a place. Here in most thefts, thieves run away by dragging your gold chain or purse from the bike, so take care of all these things before going to such a place.

2. Personal Safety Tips for Cambodia

If you are going to visit Cambodia, then the best suggestion for this is to keep your bags and other valuables in your hotel or locker and take the necessary money, so that you can keep yourself safe. Apart from this, there are many important tips which you can follow.

Before going to any place, research it, and stay in a light and crowded area, there can be a risk of thieves in a lonely and secluded environment. If you have your bag, keep it in front of you in a crowded place. Do not carry all the cash at once, just keep the necessary money with you. Keep important papers like bank ATM etc. in your bag inside and keep all the main things separated by dividing them.

Do not talk on the phone while walking on the road Do not carry any of your belongings to the side of the road If you are riding on a tuk-tuk, make sure that the goods are completely inside you Do not take any valuables to show off Do not take out Always lock or keep your belongings with you when using public transport.

When you go out for a walk on the beach, you should never leave your belongings in an unattended state, do not trust any person easily, and do not give your belongings at night, even when you are sleeping, keep your belongings properly in the locker.

When you are going to sleep in your room at night, then lock the door properly so that no one can go inside after you sleep, keep all the goods and bags properly locked before sleeping, any similar like a laptop, Do not keep the camera or mobile, etc. open, there is a risk of it being stolen.

3. Police Corruption in Cambodia

The case of police corruption in Cambodia can also create problems for you at times, here the police officers do not get a proper salary, from which they take bribes to maintain their family or give STH of pockets if you are in a car or moped. If you ride, the police may forcibly charge you money by making a challan on you. Therefore, while driving a bike or car, be very careful and must keep your necessary documents, helmet, etc.

If you are planning to travel to Cambodia, then use a better tuk-tuk than using a moped so that you can avoid challenges again and again. If you do not want to give any kind of bribe, then you can demand the policemen to talk to the senior officer but in this, a lot of your time is wasted.

4. Drug Crime in Cambodia

The drug is illegal in Cambodia so you should be alert every moment in this matter because if you get caught in this matter then you can get more harm. If you get a drug without knowledge, then you can become a victim of it, if you are fond of any kind of intoxicant, then stop yourself here for this work, otherwise, it can also be fatal for you.

Apart from this, if you are caught with drugs in this area, you may have to stay in prison in Cambodia indefinitely, so do not buy or consume any kind of illegal drugs or other intoxicants here. Getting caught in a drug case is a big problem, so to stay safe in such an area, keep a proper distance from this type of activity.

5. Places to Avoid in Cambodia

There are also many such places in Cambodia which are considered to be the safest. In this area, you can visit Pub Street in Siem Reap, and the riverside bar in Phnom Penh, where you can feel safe but with changing times. At the same time, you also need to be safe in these places where you keep your backpack in the locker well before you go for a walk. If you are fond of drinking, then you have to take alcohol at the limit so that you can easily reach your home alone.

There are many shady areas around Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville which are very beautiful to visit. In this place, you can find a variety of bars where you can spend some time enjoying yourself. In such a place you also get attractive women but you have to be careful here because if you spend time in this place then you can lose your belongings or other essentials, so before going to any place take care of your complete safety. Make arrangements.


Many tourists come to Cambodia to visit, but there you may have to face many such small and big problems, so before any kind of mistake, protect yourself well so that you will not get any kind of money or goods.

Also, check information on Cambodia:

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