Things You Should Know About Thai Culture

Things You Should Know About Thai Culture

If you plan to visit Thailand, you may need to know a little about Thai Culture. Although no one demands you to be fully disciplined in the proper Thai way, it’s essential to know the basics of Thai culture before you plan a trip. Your trip will be trouble-free if you better understand Thai people and their culture.

For the Thai people’s politeness and warm, welcoming nature, this place is known as the Land of Smiles. Many temples surround the busy cosmopolitan cities of Thailand and can portray the diversity of landscapes and Thai lifestyles. As per the information, Thailand is a historically enriched Asian kingdom conspicuously influenced by its cultural traditions.

Thai people believe in Buddhism and the monarchy. They blindly follow the traditions that inspired them to act as symbols of unity. Below are some important points about Thai Culture which you need to know about.

Family Is The Main Priority

People living in Thailand value their family most, a unique part of their culture. At western culture, we found the importance of nuclear families, but in Thai Culture, families come under their top priorities.

As per the information, the young look after the old in Thai families. Moreover, siblings in Thai culture look after each other even in old age. The word “cousins” does not exist in Thai as they are very much connected.

Extended families are common in this country because most Thai people live with their parents. On the other hand, people working far from home are mandatorily visiting their families at least once a week during their weekends. Moreover, they essentially stay with their families during festivals.

Communication Style

Thais are quite communicative people, and they are also famous for their warm, welcoming nature. Thai people are polite, but they do not prefer a touchy culture at all. In this country, shaking someone’s hand is considered a dirty manner. They also avoid hugs.

Although few exceptions are visible in city areas, if the person is a child you communicate with or know quite well, you may initiate a hug. Unlike shaking hands, the Thai greeting (wai) is considered more respectful in this region.

Wai refers to a common gesture in Thailand. At this gesture, you have to place your hands together in the position of prayer beside you and bow your head.

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Respect Everyone

Almost every country in South East Asia maintaining status is a big thing. People of these regions believe in losing, maintaining self-respect, and creating a face.

These people try to do their best to be polite and behave appropriately. Their respectful behaviour reflects their self-worth. They are very much determined to maintain their dignity as well as honour. Not just in Thai culture, this kind of behaviour is also very common in Western countries.

While visiting Thailand, you should always keep one thing in mind: society is conservative here. The locals are very conscious about body awareness. That’s why kissing or even holding hands in public is prohibited.

The Uniqueness Of Thai Religion

In general, the main religion of Thais is Theravada Buddhism. Thailand’s religion is completely different from other Buddhist countries as it has been infused with several outside elements. Some extents are noticeable that have influenced local beliefs by some Hindu practices and traditional Chinese beliefs. These beliefs are playing a significant role in shaping current Thai Buddhism.

On the other hand, the second most conventional religion in Thailand is Islam. After that, Christianity comes. Thai people have a strong belief in negative spirits. There are some superstitions of consulting a fortune teller or a monk for an inclinable date before planning any important event such as – a wedding, buying property, etc.

Patriotism Valued Most

According to visitors, national pride is one of the crucial parts of Thai culture. Residents of this country cling to pride as it comes under only the Southeast Asian region, which European countries have never colonized. In this country, the national anthem is played twice a day. The most interesting fact is while playing the national anthem, every person will stop and stand until the song has been completed.

There are many places where each morning starts with the national anthem, and the national flag is raised too. Before movies start in cinema halls, the King’s anthem can be played also. Almost every individual has a separate love for their country.

Land Of Several Festivals

Thai people participate in and enjoy all of their festivals with their family and friends. Several colourful festivals occur in each city of Thailand throughout the year. Many of these festivals are derived from their traditional lunar calendar.

One of the most significant Thai festivals is the Light Festival. This festival is held in November. Chiang Mai Yi Peng Lantern is quite a famous festival among visitors. During this festival, thousands of lanterns flew into the night sky, which created a memorable experience.

Songkran is another popular Thai festival that is held in April. In this festival, a water fight takes place. Every year several travellers come to enjoy the world’s biggest water fight.

Fascinating Architectures

Many aspects of Thai culture and heritage features are found in their artwork. Based on Buddhism, their most popular paintings and sculptures have taken place. If you visit their local market, you can find several Buddhist temple paintings and Buddha statues. They are the most popular art form as well as a religious symbol.

According to experts, Thailand is the home of numerous impressive architectural feats. Their temples are the living evidence of their amazing architecture. These fabulous architectural designs are not just seen in their temples; you can also find them in the royal family’s cottages. Unsurprisingly, this architecture’s extreme beauty can blow your heart.

The Food Culture Of Thai Society

Food forms in Thailand play a central part in any social occasion. Sometimes these food forms become a social occasion in itself. Inviting friends for lunch or dinner is the social nature of Thai people. In this country, family and friends come together on weekends and share food. Whether eating at restaurants or at home, the food not served in courses is served to the table all at once.

In Thai tradition, if any food is served or ordered, the same food will be delivered to each person present because they all love to share their food and enjoy it together.

The food presentation is unique in Thailand because serving platters are decorated with flower designs. These designs are made from vegetables and fruits. Some popular dishes in Thailand are listed below –

  • Massaman Curry
  • Pad Kra Prao
  • Kao Ka Moo
  • Khao Soi and many more.

People can also try Thai cuisine. It is known for its use of herbs and deep flavours. Moreover, it also comes in colourful presentations. You can also find some food cuisines here which are influenced by foreign cuisines. Thai sweet dishes are also very famous for their delicious taste.

Shopping From Famous Cities

Thailand is quite a popular place for shopping lovers. Whether you are a big spender or a penny pincher doesn’t matter. Thailand is ideal for both of them.

Thailand is popular among young people for its premium shopping malls and night markets. A huge variety of goods are available, from antiques to bargain clothing. You can also try their delicious street snacks. The most popular cities for shopping in Thailand are listed below –

Popular Thai Massage

You may miss something big if you are in Thailand and not getting a relaxing Thai massage. It is an intense muscle-stretching massage that can relax all of your muscles. This massage procedure contains oil all over the body, from toe to head. Several types of Thai massages are available, but among all of them, yoga massage is the most popular one. Traditional Thai massage works quite effectively.


Thailand got its global popularity as a tourist destination. If you visit the country on occasion or during festivals, you will better understand Thai culture. After exploring you will be fascinated by Thai culture. This culture is quite different from the Western culture that many visitors are familiar with.

The religion is unique in Thailand; their tradition makes them more different from other cultures. Family is the main priority of this culture, among all things. Thai people are very well-behaved and friendly. Many tourists come across Thailand during festivals to enrich themselves with the Thai culture. From food to shopping, everything is explorable.

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