10 Best Camping Vacation Destinations in the World

best camping places in the world

Are you an adventurist my soul? Then camping will be in your blood. If it gets delayed for any reason you feel agitated, right? If so, then we are here today to make you happy. We are going to present the best camping sites around the world that you should visit once in your lifetime. Spending the night beneath the stars, putting on the tent and the campfire, roasting marshmallows and chicken, and singing the song of your life- if these are the ideas of a romantic gateway to you, these worldly campsites will never fail to amuse you now.

So, forget your mundane life and say goodbye to the dusty roads and crowded city for a while to embrace nature at these outstanding camping sites around the world. Read on to know more-

World’s 10 Best Camping Vacation Destinations:

1. Sahara Desert in Morocco

To name the best campsites around the world, you can think of this place for the first time. Enjoy a camel safari to reach the campsite in the desert and then feel the wilderness of a traditional nomadic camp. Are you too worried about your budget? Don’t worry as there different types of camping facilities are available.

From the basic one to the full luxury – you can find everything over there. Experiencing the desert during the sunset and spending a night under the starry night is something that you won’t forget ever.

2. Mount Cook National Park in New Zealand

Mount Cook is the highest mountain of New Zealand where you can find rugged terrain, perfect for adventure lovers. Located in the South Island, this place is perfect for a wonderful camping site.

Once you are here, you can feel the view fascinating. New Zealand is the camping ground around the world. Apart from the Mount Cook camping site, you can also experience camping in Makorori Beach.

3. Nubra Valley Ladakh in India

The spectacular Nubra Valley is also popular as the tri-arm valley and it looks outstanding while camping over here. Visit the snow-clad mountains that mesmerize you with their stunning beauty while the ancient gompas hold the mystery of the land to the campers.

If you want to experience the deep blue sky and soothing environment during camping, you can visit the place between June and September. You will find luxurious tents over here to enjoy a fantastic camping experience at this heavenly place.

4. Devon in England

At Devon, you can find millions of miles stretched for the campers. Visit Dartmoor and Exmoor which are the fascinating camping ground to pitch your tent. There are spots where you can experience the outstanding view of craggy cliffs that slopes down to the Atlantic Ocean.

Camping at this place will be a great idea in Autumn as you can enjoy the spectacular view of the huge red sun sets slowly on the horizon, making nature colorful.

5. Yellowstone National Park in the USA

While talking about the best camping sites around the world, Yellowstone National Park will always be on the list. If you want an outstanding camping experience along with other outdoor activities, like mountain biking, rock climbing, hiking, etc. you can arrange a camp night at this area.

Once you are here you can enjoy the spectacular background of unique canyons, volcanic mountain ranges, high-altitude lakes, explosive geysers, rivers with fishes, and so on. Set your tent near natural hot springs where you can experience nature’s wonders. How do you feel if you find wolves and grizzly bears roaming around the campfire while you are cooking some delicious foods? It’s out of the world, isn’t so?

6. Loch Lomond and The Trossachs in Scotland

You should check out the pictures of this place before planning for a camping trip. Well, that will be enough to give you a reason to visit this camping ground in Scotland. Still, we are trying to give you an overview of the place.

The rustic villages, widespread valleys, scattered peaks, etc. will blow your mind. While you are here, the wilderness of nature set the perfect backdrop for camping.

7. Rishikesh Uttarakhand in India

Don’t ignore the call of the Himalayas and plan a trip to Rishikesh for camping. This place is very close to adventurists as Rishikesh is known as the ‘Adventure Capital of India’. You can experience a wide variety of adventure sports here while camping because you get numerous options of camping here.

You can go for forest camping, beach camping, riverside camping, luxury camping, and so on. There are so many camping zones in Rishikesh, like Paddler Zone Camp, Nature Valley Camp, Panchvati Cottage Camp, and so on.

8. Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya

For an ideal camping holiday, there is no other place equally adventurous to this place. Kenya is a country with an adventure that will give you an adrenaline rush in every step. Massai Mara National Reserve is the place where you can visit 570 species of birds, gazelle, zebra, and wild beasts.

Besides the exotic wildlife, you will also find the rich flora here that includes acacia trees, wild grasslands, and many more. When you are here you can experience the marvelous sunset. Experience outstanding camping over here!

9. The Alps in France

Winter is the best time to have a camping experience in France if you are not afraid of snow. The Alps is capped with thick snow and it looks phenomenal. But, to enjoy the best camping experience, plan a trip during Spring. When the fresh alpine air blows, it gives a soothing impact to you.

Set your tent at the foothill of the Alps where you will find the quaint village. Staying close to villages will give you a magical impact to live here and also the glittering stars in the night make your experience unforgettable.

10. Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica

Finally, to culminate the list of the best camping vacations destinations in the world, there is anything unmatched to Corcovado National Park. The wilderness and wildlife of this place give visitors a unique experience of camping.

The deserted beaches, magnificence view of the ocean, the idyllic waterfalls, etc. will give you the experience of the raw beauty of Costa Rica. You will find exotic wildlife over there that includes howler monkeys, sloths, tiger horns, and even a puma.

6 Tips: Best Ways to Stay Safe While Camping

No matter where you camp around the world, there are certain basic things you need to know so that you never get into any trouble while camping. Here are some of the best tips to follow-

  • Know about the place very well to get aware of the threats
  • Always carry enough water and dry foods with you
  • Read the weather report in advance to avoid any problems, like rain, landslide, snowfall, etc.
  • Always carry medicines and a first aid box with you
  • Get aware of the services available near you
  • Always stay safe from the fire while firing up the campfire

So, here you get enough information about the best places for camping vacations in the world. There are several other places too which are incredible too. So, plan wisely and have a great vacation.

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