Best Places to Visit in Vietnam in March 2024

Bai Tu Long Bay Vietnam

In Vietnam, March is considered one of the highest tourist seasons, and it is quite a good time to visit the country. March is early spring in the northern parts, and it is getting cooler and sunny in the southern parts. Vietnam is open to the world as a friendly and safe travel destination. The country has beautiful mountains featuring colorful hill tribes and beaches along the country, with many of those considered the best in the world, which is still not completely touristy.

Why should you consider visiting Vietnam in March only?

The temperature in March rises steadily from north to South. Also, when you factor in the mist and drizzle, low and high become relative. The northern parts range anywhere between 15 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius with minimum rainfall. The temperature is perfect for exploring the beach parts and enjoying it like never before.

The best places you can visit in Vietnam in March are as follows:

1. Phong Nha Caves

It is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and it surely deserves it because it is one of the biggest caves globally. It is so big that the entire jungle grows inside this. The literal meaning of The Cave is wind and teeth. The view is completely spectacular, and that would leave you in awe of the marvel that is nature. The caves add warmth and are perfect for exploring in March.

Once you are here, you can also explore the national parks and learn about wildlife.

2. Con Dao Islands

This island is similar to Phu Quoc island; there is just the least amount of tourists here. The island ensures a peaceful and a private experience for people who love serenity. The place is well known for its natural beauty and pristine beaches. The best part is that you can book some luxury resorts here and enjoy your stay. You can indulge in scuba diving and snorkeling besides admiring the fascinating coral reefs while relaxing on Dam Traubeach.

Some of the things that you can do while you are on the island include enjoying beach water sports and getting a history lesson. You can enjoy everything in March as the weather is just perfect for everything.

3. Buon Ma Thuot

This is one of the lesser-known destinations in Vietnam, but it is still an amazing place to visit. Only some people travel to this place, but you should consider traveling to it if you are a travel enthusiast and look forward to exploring nature; there are some great attractions, including Gia Long and Dray Sap, that make a world offer difference. The lake is another beautiful attraction here.

If you want to learn everything about the tribal and art culture you can visit a nearby village. The coffee estates nearby help you learn about civet coffee and savor the delicious coffee with a hint of chocolate that is locally produced.

4. Bai Tu Long Bay

How long is one of the most prominent areas while this one is even rarely heard of, and that this is what makes it an excellent location for Holiday? Its pristine beauty has been preserved by the small number of tourists who visit.

The waters are still and beautiful green, the lime Karasti stand tall, and there are few boats cruising along. Visiting this Bay in the month of March means there is no fog, so it is great for photography, also. However, it has a protected status, so boats cannot be anchored overnight, and the density is light.

Festivals in Vietnam in March

1. Elephant Racing Festival

This festival is organized in Ban Don, and it is one of the most famous among the tribes that tame wild elephants. The annual festival happens in the third lunar month; in the run-up to the festival, elephants are allowed to rest and also given an assortment of food, including sweet potatoes, papayas, bananas, and sugar cane.

On the festival day, the people arrive in the most colorful clothes, and elephants from the nearby villages are brought to participate in different competitions. The running race, which is the most important, says elephants race for at least two to three kilometers and the winner is given a wreath.

2. Phu Giay Festival

This festival is celebrated in the Kim Thai village on the 1st ten days of the third lunar month, and it commemorates the mother saying of a prominent Vietnamese cult. A procession is carried out on the 5th day of the ten-day festival. People believe that this festival brings a lot of good fortune.

Several shamanistic practices are carried out that attract superstitious tourists. A fair is also organized by the local products being put up for sale, and you can buy them. Devotees wore traditional clothing and offered bamboo relics to the temple of the goddess. You can witness people celebrating by singing folk songs and taking part in the musical theatre.

3. Thay Pagoda Festival

This festival is celebrated from the 3rd to the 7th day of the lunar month. It is one of the most religious festivals in honor of Buddha, and the festival begins with the Buddha bathing ceremony. The statue of Buddha would be claimed by monks amid the fragrance of incense and the chance to glorify the deity.

Once you take part in the festival, you can take part in grinding and pounding rice water puppetry, lion and dragon dancing, and come across beautiful scenes. The festival puts up a live spectacle for people who are outside the culture.

There is A lot to do in Vietnam in March, and you should consider visiting the place undoubtedly. These are the famous places that you should consider visiting if you happen to visit Vietnam in March.

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