DGCA in India make Masks Mandatory in Airports and on Flights

Masks are mandatory Flights in India

It is mandatory to wear masks on flights and at airports in India, according to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Airlines are required to comply with the rule on every flight. After having recorded 5,233 in 24 hours, India has now mandated the use of masks. More than three months prior to this, India was experiencing a period of relaxation.

It is alarming that so many cases have suddenly arisen. With travel both domestically and internationally fully resumed in India, the risk of infection remains high. For their own safety and the safety of others, travelers must obey the mask mandate and follow basic sanitary practices.

As per the new mandate, passengers who refuse to comply with the mask mandate and COVID-19 safety protocols may be debarred if they fail to follow them.

A Delhi High Court mandate has also stated that strict action will be taken against passengers traveling by air if they don’t wear masks and follow basic hygiene rules. In accordance with the court’s decision, all such passengers will be booked, fined, and banned from flying.

All airlines must ensure their passengers are masked up at all times according to the new DGCA mask mandate. If the staff finds passengers without masks, they must provide them with masks and sensitize them. An announcement concerning the requirement to wear masks must be made repeatedly at the airport.

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