Top 10 Facts about Nalanda University, Bihar

When speaking of Nalanda University, is one of the most ancient Universities in the country that was established during the time of the Gupta Dynasty. The university was also considered as one of its type that was famous as one of the first Universities that offered students and scholars with On-campus residence facility.

The University, ever since its establishment was also appreciated for offering excellence in academics and scientific education. It is also, to date, included in the list of top-performing Universities worldwide.

List of 10 Interesting Facts About Nalanda University Bihar:

Several facts are still related to this University, and some of them are discussed here below in this article.

#1. Standalone and International standards

Dated back to the 6th Century BC, the University was originally set up by Narasimha Deva. To date, the University is believed to impart a par excellent system of education to its students. In the past 800 years, the University has also imparted education to thousands of students.

It maintains its international standards as the University in the past and to date, houses over 2700 faculty members from different parts of the world. The list includes faculties from Iran, China, Japan, Persia, Mongolia, Tibet, and much more.

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#2. Ancient learning system

The second fact related to Nalanda University is that the campus houses meditation centers, temples, and top-rated libraries. The library has been divided into three distinct wings which hold manuscripts from various religions, science, architecture, literature, astronomy, economics, history, linguistics, etc.

#3. Students travel from China as well

The University has spent its time collecting information since ancient times from Chinese travelers and pilgrims. The best set of information includes sources provided by Hiuen Tsang, Xuanzang, and others. You can read this information in various books collected in the library.

#4. Vastness and Strength

The University library and campus are already known for their vastness as in the past invaders had to spend months to in fact burn some part of this library. During that time, the library had already lost some of the books from its collection. It is expected that millions of manuscripts had already been destroyed in that fire.

#5. Destroyed earlier in 1193 but managed to restore its lost fame

Earlier in 1193, Bakhtiyar Khilji had managed to destroy the entire University to decline the Buddhism dynasty that was spreading in India. During that event, thousands of Buddhist monks had also lost their lives as they were burnt to death. That time was declared as one of the darkest moments faced by Nalanda University.

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#6. University was attacked three times

In the past, history also states that the University was attacked in three different historical events. These attacks were done by Gaudas, Huns, and Bhaktiyar Khilji. During these attacks, the University had also lost a great resource of knowledge in Ayurveda and Buddhism.

#7. The destruction of the University was never approved by Minhaj

As far as history states, the destruction of the university was officially witnessed by Minhaj-e-Siraj who was also one of the scholars studying at the university at that time. Even if everyone knew that the destruction of the University was an act of wrong deeds but no voice was raised against this event.

#8. Nalanda University had granted education to well-known scholars of the time

It is also certain that in the past the University had imparted education to many students including Harshvardhana, Suvishnu, Aryadeva, Xuanzang, Dharampal, Asanga, Padmasambhava, Nagarjuna, and many more. Each of the above mentioned was a well-known scholar of his time.

#9. Nalanda University was not destroyed by Muslims

There was a belief that Muslims were, in fact, responsible for the destruction of Nalanda University. This is a myth as it was not Muslims but a single man who was held responsible for the destruction of Nalanda University in the past. The man who destroyed this university was an Indian by birth and not Muslim.

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#10. The University remained closed for over 800 years

Nalanda University certainly was one of the only Universities that was closed for around 800 years after its destruction. In recent times the University was reopened after efforts made by A.P.J Abdul kalam during his visit.

Presently, Nalanda University is also considered one of the self-sustained campus-oriented universities in the country.

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