Most Interesting Facts About Somnath Temple You Should Know

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The Somnath Temple is one of the largest and most famous temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Somnath temple is in Saurashtra, located in the western coastal region of Gujarat.

This temple is popular among the tourists and devotees of Lord Shiva. Somnath Temple has one of the 12 Jyotirlingas Shrines of Shiva. It is one of the most exquisite and peaceful temples in Gujrat.

List of Unkown Facts about the Somnath Temple, Gujarat:

#1 – The Origin Of Somnath Temple 

At Somnath mandir, in an uncertain time, the first temple Of Lord Shiva was constructed. And the second temple was built by the Yadava kings around 649 CE approximately.

In 725 CE, Al-Junayd, the Arab governor of Sindh, destroyed the second temple as part of Gujarat and Rajasthan’s invasions. The third temple, the big red sandstone structure, was built by the Gurjara-Pratihara king Nagabhata II in 815.

#2 – The Destruction

During 725CE, the Arab governor of Sindh ordered his men to destroy the Somnath temple because it was part of his kingdom. But there is no evidence in history that the Arab governor made the Attack on Sindh.

During the reign of Bhima, in 1024, the Turkic Muslim ruler Mahmud of Ghazni raided Gujarat and looted the Somnath temple.

#3 – The Reconstruction of Somnath Temple

After independence, KM MUNSHI and some other Congress leaders with a proposal for the reconstruction of the Somnath went to Mahatma Gandhi. And Mahatma Gandhi decided to collect funds for reconstruction from the public instead of taking them from the state budget.

Construction was done under the guidance of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. Unfortunately, both Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Mahatma Gandhi died before the completion of the reconstruction of the temple.

#4 – Present Architecture

The credit of the Somnath temple’s present architecture belongs to the Chalukyas style or Kailash Mahameru Prasad style, which speculates the skillset of sompura salats.

The height of the temple’s highest pillar is approximately 15 meters (approx. 50 ft.) And it consists of a flag pole, which is 8.2 meters (approx. 27 ft.) long. There are many inscriptions written in Sanskrit on the arrow wall of the temple.

#5 – Lord Krishna

It has been said that The famous Syamantak Mani, also known as the Philosopher’s stone, is safely hidden in the Somnath Temple within the hollowness of Shivalinga. And this is associated with Lord Krishna.

It is said that The stone has the capability of producing gold and has alchemic and radioactive properties, which is the reason for its floating above the ground. It is also believed that Lord Krishna ended his Leela in this temple and left for heaven.

#6 – The Cursed Moon

There is a mythology about Soma, the God of the moon, related to this place. It is said that The God of the moon, Soma, was cursed by someone. And because of that, the God of the moon lost his Shine.

And he was told that if he takes a bath in the river Sarasvati, he will regain his Shine. Then, he took a bath in the Sarasvati river and retrieved his Shine.

#7 – Triveni Sangam

The Somnath temple had lots of visitors, which included devotees, saints, tourists, and others from ancient times, and this is because of the TRIVENI SANGAM.

In this place, the three holy rivers, the Kapila, the Hiran, and the Sarasvati, get merged into one. People believe that having a bath in the confluence of these three rivers, Triveni Sangam, will wash off all the sins.

#8 – Location On Indian Land

It is said that temple is located so that no straight line increases in between Somnath seashore till Antarctica continent. According to a Sanskrit inscription on the arrow pillar named Baan Stambha, the temple is standing at a point on the piece of the Indian land.

It is the first point on the land from the north to the South Pole on that particular longitude. In a Sanskrit inscription found on the Arrow-Pillar called Baan-Stambh.


 These are a few of the facts which make the Somnath Temple unique and exquisite at the same time. If you believe in Lord Shiva and Hindu mythology, visiting the Somnath Temple is highly suggested to you.

And we don’t think after knowing such exciting and unique facts about the temple; you would like to delay even a second in packing your bags for Gujarat to visit Somnath Temple. So without any worries, you can pack your bags and plan a trip to Somnath Tour with tusk Travel to have the Darshan of Lord Shiva.

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