8 Famous Himalayan Treks You Must Do

Famous Himalayan Treks

Trek to the majestic mountains of the great Himalayas filled with spine-chilling weather and the circuits with memories of trekking takes a daring call to experience. Very few dare to trek the Himalayan ranges. But those who experience the adventure will remember their achievement for a lifetime being part of some of the greatest treks in the world. From the Everest Base camp to the Annapurna Circuit, different Himalayan treks are known for their respective greatness and wonders.

Scaling up to the height of 24,000 feet, different peaks and circuits of the Himalayan ranges await adventure thrillers to experience their majestic beauty. Let’s have a look at what are the prominent Himalayan treks to participate dwell in the utmost adventure.

8 Unforgettable Himalayan Treks: Exploring the Majestic Beauty

1. Everest Base Camp Trek:

Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most-rated trekking spots in the Himalayan ranges, located in the Khumbu region of Nepal. It is the base for the Mt. Everest trek but the trek is very difficult to experience. For those who can’t trek the mighty Mt. Everest the Everest base camp is the best alternative to experience. From the Everest Base Camp, you can witness the beautiful wonders aligned with your trekking route.

The wonderful attractions that you come across trekking are the beautiful rhododendron forests, Sagarmatha National Park, Tengboche Monastery, Sherpa villages, Namche Bazaar, gushing river streams, etc a lot. Especially, the views of Mt. Everest, Mt. Ama Dablam, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Tawache, and Thamserku are just mindblowing and breathtaking. Kala Pattharis the highest peak that comes in the trekking.

2. Annapurna Circuit Trek:

Trekking to Annapurna Circuit will be wonderful and joyous to experience. The trek is filled with beautiful landscapes, valleys, forests, ethnic villages, and rich flora and fauna, making the trek memorable forever. Amid the trek, the villages are the best attractions to experience the lifestyle of the residents. Besides, the Annapurna Conservation Area is a wonderful area to explore rich flora and fauna.

The splendid views of sunset and sunrise from Poonhill, the beauty of Ghorepani village, and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains are the key highlights of the trek. While trekking, you can capture the fantastic views of Mt. Annapurna I, Mt. Macchapucchre, Mt. Annapurna South, Mt. Pisang, and Mt. Hiunchuli.

3. Langtang Valley Trek:

In the proximity of Kathmandu, the Langtang Valley Trek starts. This trek is a wonderful route to explore the beautiful natural wonders and the Tamang culture. On the trek, you go through wonderful rhododendron forests, snowcapped mountains, waterfalls, and Langtang village. Tibetan Buddhism and Tamang culture are dominantly observed in this valley. Here you can experience the culture of the Tamang ethnic groups.

The Langtang National Park is an important attraction of the trek. Here we can explore rich flora and fauna. Later, if you try to hike Kyanjin Ri, you can capture spectacular views of the surrounding mountains like Langtang Lirung, Langtang Himal, Naya Kanga la, and Dorje Lakpa. Etc. For beginners, this trek is the ideal one to opt for.

4. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek:

Located amid Sikkim and Nepal, Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek is one of the famous remote treks in the Himalayan ranges. Being the third-highest mountain in the world, trekking to this base camp is challenging and tough. While trekking, you will encounter beautiful alpine forests, wildlife, and ethnic villages. During the trekking, we can explore different traditional villages and their lifestyle. It is the major highlight of the trek.

When it comes to famous attractions that come across trekking means, Yalung Glacier, Arun Valley, and Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. In this conservation area, we can see a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. A very important thing to know about Kanchenjunga is its restricted trekking area. So if anyone wants to trek, they must have a permit to trek.

5. Manaslu Circuit Trek:

Manaslu Circuit is one of the best Himalayan treks known for the untouched beauty of nature and wilderness. The Manaslu Circuit is the eighth-highest peak in the world. The major attraction of this trek is its nature and wilderness, why because very few people trek on this route. Due to this reason, the nature here seems to be undisputed. Besides nature, its beautiful villages, forests, and scenic mountain views stand as wonderful attractions.

The villages that come across the trek are wonderful places to explore their culture and lifestyle. The best things to experience in this trek are the Manaslu Conservation Area, the Viewpoint at Narung Village, and the views of Ganesh Himal and Mt. Hiunchuli. At last, Larkya La Pass is the highest peak in the trek.

6. Upper Mustang Trek:

Popularly known as the “Last Forbidden Kingdom”, Upper Mustang is another best offbeat destination to trek. A very minimal number of visitors trek to this location, so you can experience a crowd-free trek. The best attractions of the trek are its ancient monasteries, traditional villages, and Tibetan Buddhist religious culture. On the trek, we can pass through all these and we can seek great attribution of the Tibetan Buddhist religion.

The best thing to experience while trekking is Lo Manthang City, it is the main attraction of the trek. The place is a cultural and tourist center spot to explore numerous things. To experience a trek with a complete touch of tradition and culture, Upper Mustang is the one on the list that comes first.

7. Tsum Valley Trek:

Tsum Valley is like a hidden gem of Himalayan treks, as the name depicts, the valley is a wonderful place with vivid attractions. The ancient gompas, caves, monasteries, and the Tibetan Buddhist culture of the place make you experience the serenity and cultural influence. The beautiful views of the surrounding mountains like Mt. Hiunchuli, Ganesh Himal, Mt. Manaslu, etc look stunning and majestic.

The famous gompas to visit in the trek are Gompa Lungdang, Rachen Gompa, and Mu Gompa. Overall, trekking to this destination will be like exploring the wilderness of the trek amid the traditional influence of Tibetan Buddhism.

8. Makalu Base Camp Trek:

Last but not least, the Makalu Base Camp is one of the best treks to experience in the Himalayan ranges. It is the fifth-highest peak in the world. Trekking to this base camp is a wonderful experience for nature lovers as well as adventure enthusiasts. Trek to this peak is not that easy, the rough terrains of the mountains make the trek a little tough. But the panoramic views of the mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, and villages make the trek a paradise for nature lovers.

Especially, the views of famous mountains like Mt. Everest, Mt. Chamlang, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Baruntse, etc are just jaw-dropping. Besides, Makalu Barun National Park and Sherpa and Rai villages are wonderful spots to come across in trekking.

Best Time for Trekking in Himalayan ranges:

The best time for trekking in the Himalayan ranges is the two seasons of Spring and Autumn. During Spring (March to May), it is the most popular time for trekking. Because the skies remain clear and temperatures also will be warmer and the sightseeing also will be favourable at this time. Later, Autumn (September to November)is the other best season for trekking. At this time the weather will be clear and dry and favour trekking. Also, during the autumn season, many local festivals will coincide. So you can experience the different cultures of the locals.

Apart from these two seasons, monsoons and winter seasons are not that favourable for trekking and sightseeing activities. During these times, temperatures will go down making freeze and cold.

The beautiful local villages, rivers, lush green forests, valleys, spectacular views of mountains, and the cultural influence of Tibetan Buddhism, all the things you experience in the Himalayan treks will make you witness a never before experience in trekking. From the tough terrains to beautiful natural attractions, everything you come across in trekking will make you face tough challenges and risks to complete the trek. But the feeling of doing something that everyone can’t do makes you feel high. Simply, trekking to the Himalayan ranges is a matter of courage and thirst for adventure.

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