10 Most Famous Places to Visit in Lumbini

Myanmar Golden Temple Lumbini Nepal

Lumbini, a town in Nepal’s Rupandehi district, is thought to be the sacred location of Gautam Buddha’s birth. Each year, hundreds of devotees travel there to pay respects to this holy city and seek spiritual atonement. In addition, the city’s religious sites attract archaeology enthusiasts from all over the world.

The Maya Devi Temple, which is situated in what is popularly referred to as the Sacred Garden, is the exact site of Buddha’s birth. With its multiple temples and Sacred Garden, Lumbini is a priceless treasure trove of Buddhist artefacts that demonstrates the religion’s history and legacy for the entire world to see.

Here is a list of some of Lumbini’s most amazing locations that are absolutely worth visiting.

1. Maya Devi Temple

Maya Devi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is arguably one of Nepal’s most prestigious landmarks. The Maya Devi temple, built in 1978 by renowned Japanese architect Kenzo Tange, is extremely important to the global Buddhist community. Because it is the precise location of Lord Buddha’s birth, this temple’s building site is well-known.

In this compound, in the year 563 BC, Gautam Buddha’s mother, Maya Devi, gave birth to him. The location was totally different at that time. The Maya Devi temple in Lumbini was built as a tribute to the sacredness of this location. At this temple complex, other monasteries and man-made lakes have also been constructed.

2. Lumbini Museum

One of the top attractions in Lumbini is the Lumbini Museum, which has a magnificent collection of almost 12000 artefacts. Most objects displayed at this well-maintained site are from the Kushana and Maurya dynasties. Visiting this site can view historical artefacts such as terra cotta figurines, manuscripts, stamps, and coins.

Taiwanese architect Kris Yao built the Lumbini Museum in 1970. This site’s outer design is remarkable in addition to its content. The Taiwanese influence on the architecture of this museum is fairly obvious. This museum’s neighbourhood is likewise extremely lovely. It is a fantastic location to discover the real history of Lumbini.

3. World Peace Pagoda

One of the many peace pagodas in Nepal is the Global Peace Pagoda. Very lavish and attractive is the Lumbini Peace Pagoda. This structure is well-known among tourists and was built to encourage peace between India and Japan. You will see the magnificent golden Buddhist statue as you explore the pagoda.

This magnificent structure is incredibly attractive and eye-catching because of its milky white tint. You will need to go up two flights of steps to see this statue. After making your way up the stairs, you can also obtain a 360-degree view of the area by walking around the dome that is around the structure.

4. Ashoka Pillar

One of the stone pillars constructed in the third century under the rule of Emperor Ashoka is the Ashoka Pillar at Lumbini. Ashoka built it as a sign of respect after visiting the birthplace of Lord Buddha and deciding to adopt Buddhism. These details elevate the pillar to the status of a crucial national landmark.

It was the first to be created because it has the oldest inscription compared to the other Ashoka Pillars. The pillar is a fairly exciting structure due to its intriguing and inspiring history and is situated inside the tranquil Maya Devi Temple complex. Located in the hills of Nepal, this six-meter-high pink sandstone structure was discovered by archaeologists in 1896.

5. Myanmar Golden Temple

The oldest building in the Lumbini region is the Myanmar Golden Temple. There are three prayer rooms at this temple. The Lokamani Pula Pagoda, a Burmese-style structure that recalls Yangon’s Shwe-Dagon Pagoda, is inside the temple. The Lumbini region saw the construction of this golden temple by the government of Myanmar.

The beautiful Myanmar sanctuary is one of the oldest buildings on the property and has three prayer lobbies. The Lokamani Pula pagoda, modelled after Yangon’s Shwedagon Pagoda, is located within the sanctuary grounds. You won’t be able to take your eyes off this Temple because the location is so breathtakingly lovely.

6. Tilaurakot

It is located in the Lumbini neighbourhood in Kapilvastu. One of Lumbini’s historical sites is Tilaurakot. It is the location of the first 29 years of Gautam Buddha’s life. He was created and gained enlightenment, which is very important to the populace. They thought that the location was Shakyas, an ancient city.

This location on the Banganga River’s bank is surrounded by lush green grassland, making it a relaxing resting spot for weary travellers. Among the apparent ruins are the foundations of what appears to be a residential complex. Before giving up his throne, Gautam Buddha lived there as a prince and enjoyed all the luxuries that came with it.

7. Great Drigung Lotus Stupa

When in Lumbini, it is certainly worthwhile to visit this stupa. The building has a hollow crown with a glass-covered portion that reveals the Buddha figure inside. The Rinpoches oversaw and guided the building’s construction, giving it a long history and significant historical value.

Buddhist artwork decorates the Stupa’s dome-shaped ceiling. The concepts and lessons of the Buddha, which encourage nonviolence and peace, are depicted through carvings, wood, and gold. This Festival draws large crowds to the Great Dridung Lotus Stupa every year, where the Highness himself travels to promote harmony and peace.

8. Lumbini Monastic Site

The complex known as the Lumbini Monastic Site is home to several temples and monasteries that are kept to shed light on the life of Gautama Buddha, to explain the significance of Buddhism and its spread around the world, as well as to show how Buddhism has evolved and served as a unifying principle in international relations.

The area has no stores, hotels, or restaurants, which is completely uncommercialized. Visitors frequently use a water canal that separates the Monastic Site into two parts to explore on motorboats. While inside, one can only communicate with those who are familiar with Buddhism’s history, culture, and traditions.

9. China Sanctuary

You can find a large complex of pagodas, meditation rooms, and temples throughout China. Due to its elegance and distinctiveness, this monastery is a particularly attractive building. This monastery, which may be reached through a number of other monasteries, has a Forbidden City-like appearance.

It is a collection of pagodas, prayer rooms, and reflection chambers. The Korean sanctuary is one of many other places of worship, while others are run by Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Germany, and other countries. You won’t be able to take your eyes off this Temple because the location is so breathtakingly lovely.

10. Sri Lankan Monastery

The monastery, also known as Sri Lanka Temple, is a stunning Buddhist building in Sri Lanka that sheds light on the life of Gautama Buddha and its significance in the area. Numerous significant religious occasions and rituals, particularly those practised in Sri Lanka, are held at the magnificent monastery.

Compared to those observed in an ancient monastery in Lumbini, these festivities, activities, and festivals can look a little different. Nonetheless, the purpose and the lessons are very similar. One example of a spiritual belief system that unites two nations is the Sri Lankan Monastery at Lumbini. Visit the monastery if you wish to learn more about the association.

The Bottom Line

Visiting Lumbini can open your eyes to a whole new world of beauty, culture, religion, and extraordinarily kind locals. We sincerely hope that this post has assisted you in identifying the top tourist attractions in Lumbini, Nepal. Thus, if you want to find inner peace, don’t skip out on visiting this lovely and serene location. Lumbini will never leave you unsatisfied.

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