France relaxes all travel rules for International arrivals

International travellers who arrive in France after August 1 will no longer be subject to travel restrictions.

International travelers in France are no longer subject to the restrictions that were previously in place.

Upon arrival in France, you don’t have to produce COVID certificates and submit a sworn statement about your past covid infection history and any pre-covid antigen test or biological test.

This rule applies to both France’s mainland and its overseas territories.

The new rule was implemented just days after France declared it would lift the COVID mask restriction on public transport, taxis, and other establishments open to the public.

It is recommended that you keep your mask on in enclosed spaces or large crowds to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you, particularly vulnerable persons.

France saw a significant drop in active COVID cases, encouraging it to relax all travel restrictions. This will attract international travellers who might be hesitant.

All foreign travellers must also show a compelling reason for their travels or obtain a certificate of international travel from France or any other overseas territory. This rule is also no longer in effect.

The French authorities stressed that although all restrictions have been lifted, the country can reintroduce them in case of another serious health risk from the virus.

For the latest update visit France’s official website:

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