Fuel Availability in Ladakh: Petrol Pumps on Sri Nagar – Leh – Manali Highway


While travelling on a bike trip to Ladakh is always in mind as a first choice. The popular magnetic Hill, famous lakes and the roads between the mountains which have no ends are going to steal your heart. Although you have to do a lot of planning and preparation to make the trip possible. Completing the whole Ladakh trip is a dream and full of challenges. To drive continuously till you reach your destination is the biggest challenge.

One of the most important things which you need to take care of, your bike and petrol. You will bring a bike yourself but do you have any idea that from where are you going to get the petrol. Finding a petrol pump is the basic necessity of the trip. If you want to have an overview of Petrol pumps on Manali – Leh Highway then you must read the article till the end.

Petrol Pumps on Manali – Leh Highway

You will find two ways to reach Leh through Manali. One way is through the tunnel. The tunnel is named as Atal Tunnel. The other route is the Rohtang pass. The distance from Manali to Leh is approx. 350 km from both sides. If you travel to Ladakh by road while taking enough rest in between then it will take time of one day to reach. So, it is very important for you to know the location of petrol pumps on the Manali Leh Highway.

We will advise you to take a few litres of reserved petrol with you because there are very few petrol pumps there. The first petrol pump which you are going to find on the route from Manali to Leh is on Tandi Petrol pump.

Tandi Petrol Pump

After running a few kilometres on the straight roads of Manali – Leh highway between the high mountains you will find the first petrol pump at Tandi. It is estimated that you will find Tandi after 110 km from Manali. However, the next petrol pump you are going to find is 345 km away. So, you need to fill your tankers to the top. Karu is the place where you are going to find the next petrol pump.

Karu Petrol Pump

Karu is just 30 km before Ladakh and 345 km from Tandi. After this petrol pump, you will enter the main city so you will frequently find the petrol pump. Till here we will advise you to carry a funnel with you so that you can easily fulfil the tank. After this place, you need not worry about the further petrol pumps.

Petrol pumps on Srinagar Leh Highway

You will find many petrol pumps on the route. So, you need not worry. From travelling from Srinagar to Leh the first petrol pump you are going to find is before Sonamarg. But if you are travelling from Leh to Srinagar you the first petrol pump you are going to find is in Khalsi which is 90 km away from Leh.

Petrol Pump around Leh

Now, you have arrived in the main city. Hence you find many options to refuel your tanks. There are approximately 2 petrol pumps in the city. One you will find just when you will enter the city, and the other petrol pump you will find at the airport. This airport is approximately 2 km away from the first one.

Petrol Pump in Nubra valley

In Nubra Valley, you will find the petrol pump at Diskit. From Leh to Diskit is 116 km away. This petrol pump will take regular charges of petrol from you.

Read Also: Diskit Monastery: Things to See, Activities, Entry, How to Reach & Weather

Petrol Pump Near Pangong Lake

You will not find any petrol pump at Pangong Lake. It is very difficult to find a petrol pump near Pangong Lake. One of the nearest petrol pumps from this valley is 190 km away.

Also read: Tso Moriri Lake: Things to Do, How to Reach, Best Time Visit & Weather

Petrol pump on Zanskar Valley

This place is not so popular between tourists. So, you might face problems reaching Zanskar Valley. You will find a hand-operated petrol pump in the place named Padum. We still advise you to take reserved petrol from Kargil if you are running through this route.

Petrol Pump in Hanle

There is a petrol pump in Karu, about 235 km from Hanle, which is about 270 km from Leh. So, if you plan to drive from Leh to Hanle to Leh, you will need to carry spare fuel or rely on petrol found in villages in black. Petrol is available in Chumathang, Nyoma, and Hanle.

Day by day number of tourist visiting Leh are increasing because of its immense beauty and attractive mountains. To promote tourism in Leh the road conditions are getting much better than the earlier days, the number of petrol pumps is also increased, and the facilities for public transport is also improved a lot.

How to Plan Leh Ladakh Trip by Months:


No doubt that reaching Ladakh is a difficult task. But your plan can go smooth with proper planning and plotting. Taking care of petrol is one of the most crucial parts of the plan. Remember you are roaming in a place of less civilization. So, you need to make a checklist of what sort of you need to do in serious conditions. Keep your vehicle perfectly ready to go your tankers full.

We advise you to take petrol reserve with you while you travelling. Prefer to fill reserved patrol in the cold drink bottles. Because of the narrow neck of the bottle, it will be a lot easier for you to fill your tanker with it. Else you can make a funnel with you to facilitate the flow of petrol from the bottle to the tank. We hope this article helped you in finding the location of the petrol pumps present in Leh.

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