Kuwait announced no quarantine on fully vaccinated traveller

Kuwait Travel

Kuwait has relaxed many travel restrictions and released revised travel guidelines. Kuwait’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) announced that fully vaccinated travellers do not need to undergo quarantine when they arrive. Moreover, the Kuwaiti government has announced that all passengers (with the exception of those who apply for visas on arrival in Kuwait) may enter the city-state regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated.

The new Kuwaiti travel guidelines state that those who have already taken a booster and are fully vaccinated no longer need to take an RT PCR test before leaving and after arriving. Such travellers are additionally exempt from home quarantine after arrival.

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Travellers who aren’t vaccinated fully, or haven’t received their second dose in over nine months, will be subject to an on-arrival quarantine period of seven days upon the arrival. A negative PCR test report will enable travellers to end their quarantine.

Those who are unvaccinated or have not received the full dose of vaccination will also need to carry a negative PCR test report not older than 72 hours. The requirement for testing does not apply to children younger than 16.

If travellers are experiencing any symptoms of the virus, the Kuwait DGCA recommends that they take a Rapid Home test.

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