Ladakh reopen Pangong Lake for tourist after Covid 19

Ladakh reopen Pangong Lake for tourist after Covid 19

The Pangong Lake in Ladakh has been reopened by the Union Territory of Ladakh from January 10. But there are certain conditions to the movement to Pangong Lake.

The tourists planning to visit Pangong Lake has to apply for the Inner Line Permit from the DC office located near polo ground. The Permit (IPL) can be applied online as well.

The Pangong lake is situated at the height of 4,350m being the highest saltwater lake. One-third of Pangong Lake is located in India and two-third is located in China.

Pangong Lake was closed for all the tourists in the neighboring country of China. Get the IPL to visit this stunning and beautiful lake. The Pangong lake is known to change colors like red, green, and blue at different times.

For visiting all the places without restrictions, the tourists have to carry the negative COVID 19 test report not older than 72 hours. They have to comply with the 7 days compulsory quarantine for booking of hotels.

The movement to the Pangong lake was restricted from last year only after the face-off between the Indian Army and People’s Liberation Army. The whole situation was worsened after both the enemies of China and India entered the confrontation in May and June last year.

The Tourism Department has opened the Pangong Lake after almost closed for 1 year.

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