‘Moon Dubai’: Soon Dubai will be home to a massive ‘moon-shaped’ resort


With its futuristic attractions and record-breaking achievements, Dubai is unstoppable! It will soon add another feather to its cap by building a unique moon-shaped resort in the city. The city already has the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. The engineering gem is already being misrepresented.

Approximately $5 billion is estimated to be spent on the project. ‘Moon Dubai’ is the name of the project proposed by a Canadian architectural company, Moon World Resorts Inc. (MWR).

According to Michael Henderson, one of the two entrepreneurs behind the project, “it’s going to be a large, unique building.”. The project, when completed, will have 4000 luxury suites measuring 224 meters in height and 198 meters in diameter. It will be surrounded by a ‘lunar colony’ and feature a ‘lunar surface’.

Guests will be able to take advantage of affordable space tourism at the resort due to the lunar colony. A luxurious private residence will also be a feature of the resort, the ‘sky villas’.

A spa and wellness center, a nightclub, meeting rooms, lounges, and a shuttle to the moon will also be part of the property.

According to Henderson, a carbon fiber composite material will be used to recreate the moon’s shape. This substance is incredibly resilient and powerful. Additionally, it will include solar cells to provide electricity. The moon’s surface will be illuminated, and the different lunar phases will be visible.

Let’s keep a watch out!

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