20 Most Spiritual Healing Places on Earth

Yangon, Myanmar

It does not depend on whether a site is artificial or natural, but traveling to a new place has long been a spiritual practice. We travel not only to revive our sense of awe but to connect more deeply with the earth, other people, and ourselves.

There are so many spiritual termini that have been made based on a specific belief system. At the same time, some others are known as such based-on vibration and energy.

The sites still hold meaning in certain societies, and many have been revered for thousands of years. Despite this, most spiritually-significant sites accept all people of all faiths. It is for those who wish to understand the site’s value further and engage with it respectfully. Let’s read more in this blog about the 20 most spiritual healing places on earth.

List of the 20 Popular Spiritual Healing Places in the World:

1. Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem is split into three different districts. The old city has holy sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which the Ottomans made in the 16th century. Jerusalem is home to the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. You can find a lot of the hustle and bustle in the market.

The western part of the city has the New City, where the Jewish society mainly lives. Centuries-old stone edifices and many cultures and rituals will boost marvel whenever you are in Jerusalem. Thus, it is under the 20 most spiritual healing places on earth.

2. Sedona, Arizona

A healing energy flow links at Sedona, the site once settled by the Sinagua Indians. It has lured new age theorists and options for many years.

Many Holistic cures and lessons are on offer to help you get into the soul if you cannot feel the Vibe in yourself. Still not sure. Then here you can enjoy some of the best hiking in the world. And Mother Nature’s sheer genius cannot fail to awe you.

3. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

If you never listened to megalithic monuments in Stonehenge, England, you have been living under a stone. It is the most architecturally modern prehistoric stone circle on the earth.

Archaeologists are still doubtful of the goal of these sites. But they’re certainly worth studying, mainly during the solstice.

4. Varanasi, India

An untidy and bright city known as the “Spiritual Heart of India”, Varanasi is the oldest city in India. This historical city is said to be the spot where Buddhism was founded. And today, it is a great place where many, including Buddhists and Hindus, go to pray.

It is a famous city because here cows can walk around freely. An open riverside cremation is an option to face your views about life and death, even if only your own.

5. Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Mecca is located in the Sirat mountain, the holiest city in Islam. Thousands of believers come here from around the world yearly because the founder of Islam, Muhammed, was born here. Each day, Muslims pray several times in this holy city.

6. Naag Mandir, Fiji

This temple is dedicated to a Hindu snake god and has the eerie “growing stone”. It was found over a century ago. But according to myth, the stone grew from just two feet to more than five feet in height over time.

Now the stone stands at about 15 feet tall. For many reasons, believers visit and travel to the temple to pray for fitness, fertility, and good luck.

7. Uluru, Australia

A great palace called Uluru lies in Australia’s vast red center. It is a great spot for the spiritual punch to the indigenous Australian Aborigines. It is more than a juncture signifying their cultural terrain and central to their design myths.

You will have a chance to hike around its base and watch it majestically alter color in differing lights of the day from a length. If you don’t climb its 348-meter summit, you’ll respect its classic owners’ wants.

8. Mount Shasta, California

It is a place where the earth and heaven meet. Mount Shasta has been luring sacred watchers to Northern California for decades. Native American legends and energy whirls along the tracks attest to Mount Shasta’s holy status as a natural rehab site. You must visit these 20 most spiritual healing places on earth to refresh your life.

9. Vaishno Devi Temple, India

Located near Katra in Jammu and Kashmir’s northern state. Hindus visit it yearly in over eight million numbers, making it one of their most revered sites.

Visitors will hear a call from the Divine Mother before visiting the shrine. As soon as they have received her love and prayer, they will embark on their trip to receive them.

10. Borobudur, Indonesia

It is one of the oldest Buddhist monuments on earth. It is one of Java’s most famous World Heritage Sites, dating back to 750-850 AD. The vast temple, shaped like a mandala, was a hidden jewel for centuries before it was discovered in 1814.

11. Mount Kailash, Himalayan Mountains

Tibet is perfect for catching your true self in these holy mountains. It is a spiritual spot to link to the higher cosmic planes for wisdom from other sizes. This pilgrimage site has been for religions like Jains, Tibetans, Buddhists, and Hindus. It will help if you circle clockwise to grow the earth’s chakra energy when walking the cliff.

12. Mount Sinai, Egypt

According to many, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai in Egypt, vital to the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. It has been a voyage center for thousands of years, visited by saints, seers, pilgrims, and visitors.

13. Sanctuary of Apollo, Greece

A sanctuary devoted to Apollo in Delphi dates back to around 1500 B.C. and has deep ties to Greek myth. Delphi was viewed as the center of the world by ancient cultures. But it is also the site of the famous Oracle, which was regularly conferred.

The Sanctuary of Apollo and Delphi sites are perfect for those who want to enjoy healing and removing any fear. On the side of Mount Parnassus, the site has offered divine energy and advice to tourists for centuries.

14. Koya San, Japan

This famous Japanese place is one of the vital Buddhist schools of the golden age. The holy mountain of Japan is Mount Koya. This mountain has many Buddhist schools and temples. There is also Okunoin, a wooded graveyard with 10,000 lanterns always lit.

This region is also home to rock gardens, temples, schools, Danjogaran, and Konpon Daito pagodas. Traveling to these 20 most spiritual healing places on earth is crucial.

15. The Golden Temple, India

Located in Amritsar, India, it is a perfect historically religious site for the Sikh faith. It shows a solid Sikh basis and unique identity and origin. There are around 50,000 visitors daily to Golden Temple. It is open to anyone, yet of caste or creed, seeking spiritual comfort and relief.

16. Sandunóvskie Baths, Moscow

You will have a chance to clean your soul and body in one of Moscow’s great baths. The bad may lurk in your dress, so take off all your clothes. To get the real Russian experience, use a venik (besom) briskly all over your body.

17. Adam’s Peak, Sri Lanka

The mountain stands 2243 meters high in central Sri Lanka. For over a golden age, the page has been a place for pilgrimage for Hindu, Muslim Christian, and Buddhist Sri Lankans. However, sunrise is the best time to climb traditionally.

The Hindus attribute it to Shiva, and the Muslims and Christians claim it belongs to Adam after being cast out of heaven. There are many spots, but it is the best 20 most spiritual healing places on earth.

18. Yangon, Myanmar

There is a beautiful city in Myanmar, Yangon. Here you will find relics of Buddha in 3 main stupas that decorate the town. Botataung pagoda marks the beginning of the common spiritual trail. You can observe unique rituals here in the morning if you visit.

Its architectural beauty and exciting tales make it one of Yangon’s most iconic temples. It is worth your time to travel a bit outside of Yangon to visit Kyaiktiyo Pagoda. Buddha’s hair strand holds a golden rock in position in this pagoda.

19. The pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico

It is located northeast of Mexico City, along with the Teotihuacan pyramid complex (‘the place where the gods were made). One of the world’s most holy, spiritual places.

20. Cape Reinga, New Zealand

This is the northernmost point of New Zealand and the most sacred place for Maori. Traditionally, the spirits of left loved ones tackle their trip to the afterlife at this point. It is among the 20 most spiritual healing places on earth.

The Bottom Line:

These are the top 20 most spiritual healing places on earth that you should visit. By visiting here, you will feel relaxed and ease your worries. There are more famous spiritual healing spots in the world, but these are the 20 most spiritual healing places on earth to travel to.

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