About Nidhivan Vrindavan – Story & Mysterious Facts

Do you know the heaven of Krishna devotees? The straightforward answer is “Vrindavan”. Devotees find peace and a unique kind of peace by exploring this religious place. Right from the Banke Bihari Temple to Iskcon temple, there are various locations to explore. Among all the places, do you have an idea about which one is the most mysterious place?

Nidhivan in the Vrindavan is associated with various mysterious facts. According to the devotees and locals, Lord Krishna visits this place and also does the Ras Leela each night in Nidhivan. Due to this reason, the doors of Nidhivan close at 7:00 PM after the evening aarti for priests and devotees. Along with that, it is also believed that birds and other animals also leave this place in the evening.

What happens in Nidhivan at night?

Nidhivan garden closed at 5 p.m. for the public. According to legend, In every night Krishna came here and dressed and adorn Radha Rani with his own hands at Rang Mahal inside the temple. Inside, you will find several ornaments and makeup items near the bed in Rang Mahal temple. And During the night divine dance takes place in Nidhivan all trees become gopis and dance with Lord Krishna and Radha Rani.

Check out the List of Mysterious Facts about Nidhivan that remain a mystery:

There are numerous facts about Nidhivan that is essential to be revealed and understood. Additionally, no one has permission to go inside Nidhivan after post evening aarti. Still, this enigma is not solved. Here comes the list of facts that are related to Nidhivan.

Mysterious Fact-1

Nidhivan consists of one palace that is named Rang Mahal. In the Rang Mahal, there is a bed of sandalwood which is prepared every night for Lord Krishna. They keep the jar that is filled with water beside the bed. Not only this, but they also place several other things like Neem Daatun for brushing teeth and Pan.

It is faith that, in the morning when the doors off Rang Mahal open that bed looks as if somebody has slept on Sandalwood. Along with it, the water that is kept in Jar, Neem Datun, and Pan also looked like consumed.

Mysterious Fact-2 

Another mysterious fact associated with Nidhivan is that if someone tries to see the mysterious Ras Leela by keeping themselves hidden Nidhivan faces serious issues. Unfortunately, those who tried to see the Krishan Raas Leels of Nidhivan have lost their speech, sight, or worsen mental soundness. In short, he is not able to explicate what he sees.

Mysterious Facts-3 

The trees that are present in Nidhivan are unique in shape. These are shorter in height and entangled trunks. Along with it, the basic plants in Nidhivan are also in pairs. According to devotees, these trees transform into Gopis at night and become part of Ras Leela. After that, they again take the shape of trees. No one can able to take those basil plants at home. If someone has taken these plants, they face various consequences.

Mysterious Facts-4 

Another mysterious fact associated with Nidhivan is the rock garden which has the footprints of young Krishna. Along with it, the calf of Krishna can observe in the mountains. It is also the fact that huge mountains melt down and transform into rocks after hearing the melodious flute tones.

So, these are four mysterious facts that are associated with Nidhivan. Whether these are the facts or miracles, it is all up to your belief. Along with it, the above-mentioned stories also bring goose-bumps to the reader. Due to all these mysterious facts, devotees come here to explore Nidhivan. Krishna followers find themselves lost in Vrindavan as they forget all of their worries and get peace by exploring this place.

Inside view of Nidhivan

Besides these facts, there are various things that you will see in Nidhivan. Before exploring Nidhivan, it is essential to gain knowledge about the inside view of this mysterious place. Here is information that will give you an idea about what sorts of things you will be going to see after entering Vrindavan.

Saint Haridas Temple 

There is Saint Haridas Temple in Nidhivan which is linked with an interesting legend. It was the time of the 15th century when the divine Saint Haridas made his base Nidhivan. For the purpose of impressing Lord Krishan, he played the flute. One day Lord Krishna came into his dream and blessed him by appearing at the exact place in Nidhivan. Hence, this place also got the name Prakatya Sathal. The “Prakatya Sathal has a specific meaning that is “Appearance of Lord Krishna”.

Lalita Kund or well in Nidhi Van 

A small well is located inside the Nidhivan. There is an interesting story associated with this Lalita Kund. The bosom friends of Shree Radha whose name was Lalita became thirsty while performing Ras Leela. To complete her thirst requirement, Lord Krishna used a flute to build a well. Due to it this well is known as “Lalita Kund”. In the matter of appearance, it looks like a harvesting well.

Rang Mahal 

Rang Mahal named as Shingar Room of Radha is situated in Nidhivan. This single room has a bed and a lining dressing table that is equipped with ornaments and beauty products. After the Aarti, the priest place toothbrushes, sarees, betal leaves, bangles, holy water in Jar, and sweets. The next day all of these things are scattered and seems like someone used them. It is believed that Lord Krishna comes to this place. Gopis and Radha dressed up in Rang Mahal and do Raas Leela.

Shree Radha Temple 

When you visit Nidhivan, you will find the geometric design floor. On this floor, Lord Krishna, Radha, and Gopis do Ras Leela. It is constructed in the memory Radha stole Krishna’s flutes with her friends or sakhis. The name of Shree Radha’s friends was Vishakha and Lalita.

While exploring this mysterious place, you will find these four things in Nidhivan. Additionally, mysterious facts related to this place will surely put you in dilemma. Besides this place, there are temples that you can visit and pay obeisance there. These temples include:

  • Banke Bihari Temple
  • Prem Mandir
  • Shri Radha Raman Mandir
  • Madan Mohan Temple
  • Priyakant Ju Temple
  • Shahji Temple and many more.

How to reach Vrindavan?

By Road: Vrindavan is located on the Delhi-Agra NH-2. Another route that goes there is the brand new Yamuna Expressway. Delhi is approximately 200 kilometers away. It could take up to 4 hours to cover this distance.

By Train: The main station for trains is Mathura on the Delhi-Chennai as well as Mumbai-Delhi main lines. Numerous train services, both passenger and express trains link Mathura with other cities in India including Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Gwalior, Dehradun, Indore, and Agra.

By Air: The closest airport Agra is located 67 kilometers away. The closest International airport can be found in Delhi.

Best Time to Visit Vrindavan 

An ideal time to go to Vrindavan is in the winter or from October to March. It is because in summer you will not enjoy your trip to Vrindavan because of the sun’s scorching heat.

Note- Devotees are not allowed to take pictures of Nidhivan. So, it would be best if you also respected their decision.

Nidhivan Temple Timings Vrindavan

The temple is open for visitors from 08:00 am to 11:00 am in the morning and from 05:30 pm to 07:30 pm in the evening.

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