Rajgir Glass Bridge Bihar – Online Booking Price, Distance, Best Time, How to Reach

GLASS SKY WALK - Rajgir Glass Bridge

Have you ever dreamed of walking on air? The Rajgir Glass Bridge in Bihar offers an unforgettable experience with its breathtaking views and thrilling walk. This guide covers everything from online booking prices to the best time to visit and how to reach this stunning destination. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or a nature lover, Rajgir Glass Bridge has something for everyone. Explore nearby attractions, learn practical tips, and make the most of your visit.

Key Highlights:

Feature Details
Location Near the main entrance of the safari, Rajgir
Structure Constructed of glass and steel
Dimensions 130 feet long, 6 feet wide
Height 200 feet from the valley
Capacity 10-15 visitors at a time
Setting Foothills of Rajgir’s Vaibhar Giri and Swarna Giri hills
Experience Transparent glass for a thrilling walk
Ticket Price Ranges from ₹100 to ₹150 per person
Best Time October to March for the best views
Nearby Close to Vishwa Shanti Stupa and ancient Nalanda ruins
Timings Open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Other Attractions Hot springs, Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary, and ropeway rides

About Rajgir Glass Bridge

Rajgir Glass Bridge, located in the historic city of Rajgir in Bihar, is an architectural marvel. Suspended at a height of 200 feet, this 130-foot-long bridge made of glass panels offers visitors a heart-pounding experience as they look down at the lush green valley beneath their feet. Inspired by the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in China, it aims to provide visitors with a mix of thrill and scenic beauty.

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Online Booking Price

Planning a visit? Booking your tickets online is straightforward and ensures you avoid long queues. The ticket price varies depending on the day of the week and the season. Generally, prices range from ₹100 to ₹150 per person. Special discounts are often available for children, students, and senior citizens.

To book your tickets online, visit the official website (https://naturesafarirajgir.bihar.gov.in/website/glass-sky-walk.php) or trusted travel portals. Ensure you book well in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your spot.

Distance and How to Reach

Rajgir is well-connected by road and rail, making it accessible from various parts of Bihar and neighboring states.

By Air

Flying in? The nearest major airport is Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport in Patna, located about 100 kilometers from Rajgir. Once you land, you can easily hire a taxi or rent a car for a scenic drive to Rajgir, which typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours. The journey offers a great view of Bihar’s countryside, making your trip enjoyable from the moment you step off the plane.

By Road

If you love road trips, driving to Rajgir is a fantastic option. The town is well-connected by highways. From Patna, you can take NH 31 and then NH 82 to reach Rajgir, covering a distance of approximately 90 kilometers in about 2 to 3 hours. The drive is picturesque, with plenty of roadside dhabas where you can stop for a quick bite. State-run and private buses also frequently operate between Patna and Rajgir, making it a convenient option for travelers without their own vehicles.

By Train

Prefer trains? Rajgir Railway Station is well-connected to major cities like Patna, Gaya, and Kolkata. The journey by train is comfortable and offers stunning views of the rural landscape. Upon arrival at the station, local transport options such as auto-rickshaws and taxis are readily available to take you to the Rajgir Glass Bridge. If you’re coming from Delhi or other far-off cities, you can take a train to Patna or Gaya and then continue your journey to Rajgir by road or another train.

For Long-Distance Travelers

Traveling from afar? If you’re coming from Delhi or other distant cities, the best route is to take a train to either Patna or Gaya, both of which are major railheads with frequent train services. From Patna, it’s about a 3-hour road trip to Rajgir, while from Gaya, it’s a shorter drive of about 2 hours. Both routes offer a blend of comfort and adventure, ensuring your trip is memorable right from the start.

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Best Time to Visit Rajgir Glass Bridge

Wondering when to plan your trip? The best time to visit Rajgir Glass Bridge is during the cooler months from October to March. The weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear, offering the best views. Visiting during weekdays can help you avoid the weekend crowds, providing a more serene experience.

Activities and Attractions Nearby

Rajgir is not just about the glass bridge. The city is steeped in history and offers several attractions:

Vishwa Shanti Stupa: A serene spot offering panoramic views of Rajgir, accessible via a ropeway.

Hot Springs: Known for their medicinal properties, the hot springs are a must-visit.

Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary: Perfect for nature lovers, this sanctuary is home to various flora and fauna.

Ancient Ruins: Explore the ancient ruins of Nalanda University and Griddhakuta Hill, significant historical sites.

Tips for Visitors

To make the most of your visit, here are some handy tips:

Wear Comfortable Shoes: The glass bridge can be slippery. Wear shoes with a good grip.

Avoid Large Bags: Carrying large bags is not allowed on the bridge. Use lockers available at the entrance.

Stay Hydrated: Carry water, especially if visiting during the warmer months.

Follow Safety Instructions: Listen to the guides and follow all safety instructions to ensure a safe experience.

User Experiences

Visitors often share their thrilling experiences on social media. Here’s what some of them have to say:

“Walking on the Rajgir Glass Bridge felt like floating! The views are just mesmerizing.” – Anjali, Delhi.

“A perfect blend of thrill and beauty. Don’t miss it if you’re in Bihar!” – Raj, Patna.


The Rajgir Glass Bridge offers a unique adventure that combines natural beauty with a dose of adrenaline. Whether you’re walking across the glass panels or exploring the rich history of Rajgir, this destination has something for everyone. So why wait? Plan your visit today and experience the magic of walking on air at the Rajgir Glass Bridge.

Suggested Articles:


1. What is the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Rajgir Glass Bridge is a transparent glass structure suspended at a height of 200 feet, located in Rajgir, Bihar. It offers stunning views of the valley below and provides a thrilling walking experience.

2. How much does it cost to visit the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

The ticket price generally ranges from ₹100 to ₹150 per person. Discounts are often available for children, students, and senior citizens.

3. How can I book tickets for the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

You can book tickets online through the official website or trusted travel portals. Booking in advance is recommended, especially during peak tourist seasons.

4. What is the best time to visit the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

The best time to visit is from October to March when the weather is cooler and the skies are clear, offering the best views.

5. How do I reach the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Rajgir is accessible by air, train, and road. The nearest airport is in Patna, about 100 kilometers away. Rajgir Railway Station is well-connected to major cities, and the town is also accessible by state-run and private buses.

6. Are there any age or health restrictions for visiting the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

There are no specific age restrictions, but visitors with acrophobia (fear of heights) or certain health conditions might find the experience challenging.

7. What safety measures are in place at the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Safety measures include secure railings, non-slip footwear recommendations, and strict adherence to visitor limits to prevent overcrowding.

8. What should I wear when visiting the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Wear comfortable shoes with a good grip, as the glass surface can be slippery. Avoid carrying large bags, as they are not allowed on the bridge.

9. What other attractions are there to see in Rajgir?

Rajgir offers several attractions, including Vishwa Shanti Stupa, hot springs, Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary, and the ancient ruins of Nalanda University.

10. Is photography allowed on the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Yes, photography is allowed, and visitors often capture stunning views and their thrilling experiences on the bridge.

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