The Most Famous Seven Wonders of the World

Petra, Jordan

Different historical monuments, buildings, sculptures, and so on many in this world stand as iconic attractions. But some marvels outstand above all for their brilliance of architecture, uniqueness, royalty, and history. Alike, in 2007 after long discussions and debates, the Seven Wonders of the World was declared by Bernard Weber.

Each wonder depicts something great and symbolizes for the world to draw. The seven wonders of the world are just epic to witness at least once in our life. We can say these wonders are the epitomes of man’s brilliance in creating marvel structures, which seems to be is it possible to human create like this.

Here we go into detail about the seven wonders of the world and their epic history and marvelous in a brief.

List of the Most Popular Seven Wonders of the World:

1. Taj Mahal, India:

Familiar as the “Symbol of Love”, The Taj Mahal is an iconic marble marvel located in Agra. It is a marble mausoleum built by Shah Jahan for his love Mumtaz when she died giving birth to her 14th child. In India, it is well-known for its architectural brilliance and also it is called the best monument of Mughal architecture. This iconic monument was commissioned in 1631 and nearly 20,000 artisans worked on this construction. Overall, it took 22 years to get completed.

Apart from its architectural marvel, the garden of the Mahal and the Yamuna river flowing back are the scenic wonders of the place to witness here. For its grandiosity and architectural marvel, the Taj Mahal was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

2. The Colosseum, Italy:

In the heart of Rome, The Colosseum is a historic and iconic oval amphitheater. This tall and mighty amphitheater was built by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty. This great amphitheater is used for gladiator games, classical plays, animal hunts, and even a place for some horrific events. A very interesting thing about this amphitheater is, it is also used for mock sea battles. Such a massive architectural marvel it is, which was adorned by many within it.

The Colosseum can hold 80,000 spectators at a time. This mighty structure was constructed from sand and stone and it took nearly 8 years to complete (AD72 to AD80). We can depict this marvel as the best example to read the history of Rome. Overall, this oval amphitheater is a great attraction to witness the opulence of Romans.

3. The Great Wall of China, China:

The Great Wall of China, a wall constructed to protect the nation from invaders, undoubtedly can be a wonder. It is a long and massive wall constructed by China’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang then it was expanded by successors. Till today its stretch was recorded as 13,171 miles. Such a long wall was constructed by them to protect the nation. Most of the walls were built around the 7th century BC and the wall was mostly constructed by Qin and Ming dynasties.

In ancient times, this wall was used to manage trade and border control. At that time, this wall was the checkpoint for tariffs and emigration. In 1987, this wall got recognition by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

4. Petra, Jordan:

Petra is a beautiful and extraordinary architectural marvel. It is a historic city in Southern Jordan. This is a civilization of Arab Nabataeans, who were known for their exquisite architectural wonders. This place is a great hub for Nabateans for trade. This iconic architectural marvel dates back to 312 BC but it came into the limelight in 1812 through the exploration of Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. For its architectural brilliance and colorful hues this iconic marvel is quoted as “Rose City”.

The place is why it became quite popular because of its mindblowing architectural work, the complex waterways, and its grandeur looking. In 1985, it got UNESCO World Heritage Site recognition.

5. Machu Picchu, Peru:

Located on a mountaintop, Machu Picchu is a wonderful 15th-century Ican Citadel. This place is quite popular as the “Lost city of the Incas”. Because till 1911, it was not discovered. This wonder came to know its existence by American historian Hiram Bingham. Apart from this, the citadel is a marvel complex included with numerous temples, homes, holy places, nearly 150 buildings, and even a huge water canal. And this marvel was constructed with polished drystone.

As per the historians, this was an estate of the Inca emperor Pachacuti. During the Spanish conquest, they left this citadel and it was unknown for many centuries. For its beautiful attractions, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

6. Christ the Redeemer Statue, Brazil:

Located on Corcovado Mountain, Christ the Redeemer Statue is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ. This wonderful statue was established after the first world war. It was sculpted by French sculptor Paul Landowski and by the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and Albert Caquot.

Its construction started in 1922 and was completed in 1931. It heights 30 mt tall and weighs 635 metric tonnes made up of concrete and soapstone. This magnificent structure is located in the Tijuca Forest National Park.

7. Chichen Itza, Mexico:

Chichen Itza is a famous archaeological site of Mexico located in Tinum. It was a large city built by the Maya people and a famous pre-Columbian city. It consists of numerous monuments and temples. Among all, El Castillo is a famous temple of the Kukulcan god. It is constructed in a pyramid structure and it has 365 steps for each day in the calendar. During spring and summer equinoxes, the different shadows of the temple are like awestruck to witness.

Apart from the temple, the Observatory of Chichen Itza, Grand Ballcourt, Venus Platform, and Temple of the Warriors are the other famous attractions to visit here. In 1988, this place was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

These are the seven wonders of the world but in addition to them, the Giza Pyramids of Egypt were given honorary status. It is all about the seven wonders of the world, whenever you are near the locations please have a visit.

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