Top 10 Tallest Statues in the World

The Motherland Calls Russia

Man is God’s most pampered and favoured creature, who has created wonders that amaze every eye. This planet’s amazing statues show the creative, artistic, and astounding human mind that never discovers its complexity and strength. Numerous things have been constructed on this planet, including some of the world’s largest structures.

So let’s now have a look at the world’s tallest statues, which are incredible works of art built by humans, each of which tells a mythological story. The bases of these statues are not considered in the ranking process; instead, the statues are evaluated only according to their height.

The following are the 10 famous tallest statues in the world:

1. Statue of Unity

Height: (182 m / 597 ft)

India is a wealthy nation rich in morals, traditions, culture, and values. People from all around the world respect the country for its remarkable diversity and sense of unity. The nation was oppressed during the early days of colonialism, but it eventually broke free through its unity to become an independent country.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was one of the independence activists who gave his entire life in the fight for freedom. From 1947 to 1950, he held the position of India’s First Deputy Prime Minister. His sculpture, designated as the largest statue in the world, was created as an act of honour.

The top spot on the list of the world’s tallest structures belongs to Sardar Patel’s statue, which is about 597 feet tall. The statue was unveiled on October 31, 2018, the 143rd anniversary of Sardar Patel’s birth, on a river island at Kevadiya colony, directly across from the Sardar Sarovar Dam.

2. Spring Temple Buddha

Height: (128 m / 420 ft)

The history and culture of China, one of the four historical civilizations, date back more than three thousand years. The country has more enormous ancient treasures and statues than any other nation. The county is home to the world’s second-highest statue, Spring Temple Buddha.

In the Fodushan Scenic Area, the figure is carved atop a throne with petals resembling lotuses. It was constructed atop a hill that had been sculpted and had two distinct pedestals cut out. The enormous statue’s construction began in 1997 but wasn’t finished for nearly 11 years, finishing in 2008.

Out of the $55 million approved budget for the entire project, the Chinese government spent close to $18 million on the statue alone. The greatest monuments in the world can be found in China, a nation known for its elaborate architectural and artistic creations.

3. Laykyun Sekkya

Height: (115.8 m / 380 ft)

Myanmar is a stunning nation rich in heritage, cuisine, and strange natural beauty, tucked away peacefully on the edges of Southeast Asia. The 380-foot statue of Gautam Buddha, the third-tallest in the world, is one of the interesting facts that draw tourists.

The monument is positioned on a 44-foot throne with a roughly 424-foot base in the Myanmar town of Khatakan Taung, close to Monywa. Bodhi trees, highly revered in Buddhism, surround the temple where the statue is located. Its construction started in 1996, and it was completed on February 21, 2008.

The lifelike depiction of Buddha is possible because every part of this monument has been carefully sculpted with minute details. People travel from faraway lands to see this magnificent work of art on the list of tallest statues in the world, marvel at its size and take in its inspiring optimism.

4. Statue of Belief

Height: (107 m / 351 ft)

The tallest Shiva statue in the entire globe is the Statue of Belief. It is based in Rajasthan, India, and was launched in 2020. The statue of belief is a statue of Lord Shiva, a Hindu deity that can reach a height of 107 meters (351 feet) when seated cross-legged.

It is the second-tallest Shiva statue globally, the fourth-tallest in the world, and the tallest in India. The town of Nathdwara in Rajasthan, which is around 45 kilometers distant from Udaipur, is where the Statue of Belief was built.

The village is located close to the Banas River’s bank as it winds through the breathtaking Aravalli Hills. Along with a laser fountain, handicraft shops, herb gardens, and public viewing galleries, the Shiva statue complex offers a range of activities.

5. Ushiku Daibutsu

Height: (100 m / 330 ft)

The fifth-tallest statue in the world may be found at Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan. The statue was finished in 1993 and is made of bronze. The Amitabha Buddha is clearly represented in the statue. Visitors can access an observation floor via a lift located inside the statue.

The statue honours the birth of Shinran, who established Jodo Shinshu, also known as the “True Pure land school” of Buddhism. The statue has four stories and resembles a museum. As one enters the first level, they are greeted by an eerie, music-playing lobby.

The second level is referred to as the “World of Thankfulness and Gratitude”. There are 3000 gold Buddhist statues on the third floor, known as the “World of the Lotus Sanctuary”. The windows on the statue’s bosom overlooking the garden and animal park make up the last level.

6. Sendai Daikannon

Height: (100 m / 330 ft)

The Sendai Daikannon is a statue that may be found in Japan. The sixth-tallest statue in the world is thought to be this one. It is also referred to as Japan’s tallest statue. In the Miyagi Prefecture’s Sendai, the statue can be found.

In 1988, the Sendai Daikannon was constructed. Reinforced concrete was used to construct it. The statue is reportedly 100 meters tall. The statue is reported to be based on the Kannon Bodhisattva. Buddhism worships the benevolent divinity known as Kannon Bodhisattva.

In Japan, the Sendai Daikannon is a well-liked tourist destination. The statue attracts a lot of visitors because of its amazing size. There are rumours that the monument is also a site of prayer. Many people visit the monument to offer prayers for good fortune or the protection of loved ones.

7. Guishan Guanyin

Height: (99 m / 325 ft)

The seventh-highest statue in the world is the bronze figure of Guishan Guanyin with a thousand eyes and hands. The fourth-tallest statue in China is regarded as this Buddhist statue. In order to represent Guanyin’s compassion for all living things, the statue is made to face the sea.

The Avalokitesvara is portrayed by this tall idol, which is 99 meters high. The statue can be found in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, in the Weishan village. With financial assistance from the regional government and religious organizations, construction began in 2002 and was finished in 2009.

Each of the 33 Guanyin forms described in Buddhist teachings is represented by one of the 33 levels of the Guishan Guanyin monument. Visitors can go to the statue’s 28th level to take in expansive views of the surroundings.

8. Great Buddha of Thailand

Height: (92 m / 302 ft)

The Great Buddha of Thailand, also honourably known as The Big Buddha of Thailand, Mahaminh Sakayamunee Visejchaicharn, and Phra Buddha Maha Nawamin, is the eighth highest structure in the world and stands 302 feet tall.

According to statistics, it is Southeast Asia’s second-tallest statue and was built by the first monk leader of Wat Muang Temple directions; the statue was built. Construction was carried out with the funds generated by the contribution from realistic Buddhists.

The enormous Buddha statue is built of concrete and has gold paint on it. There are other things to discover at the temple, encircled by the largest lotus petals in the world, even if the enormous Buddha is the main attraction. A museum with ancient artifacts and sacred things is also open to visitors.

9. Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako Park

Height: (88 m /289 ft)

The ninth-highest statue in the world is the Dai Kannon in Kita no Miyako Park. It is 88 meters tall and constructed of bronze. The statue is in the Japanese city of Sendai, Miyagi. The highest statue in Japan is called Dai Kannon. In 1988, the statue was constructed. The construction cost was roughly 5,000,000 yen.

The statue depicts the goddess of kindness, Kannon Bodhisattva. The public is welcome to view the statue. At night, the statue is lighted. It is a well-liked tourist destination. Long-distance observers can make out the statue.

Symbolizing peace and hope is the Dai Kannon statue. It serves as a reminder of how crucial mercy and compassion are. Everybody should try to be sensitive and kind, as the statue serves as a reminder. The area around the statue and the City Ashibetsu can be seen well from a viewing platform that is also present.

10. The Motherland Calls

Height: (85 m / 279 ft)

A statue called The Motherland Calls can be seen in Volgograd, Russia. The statue is the 10th tallest in the world at 85 meters. The battle of Stalingrad, which took place there between 1942 and 1943, is commemorated by the statue.

Yevgeny Vuchetich created The Motherland Calls, which was finished in 1967. More than 1,000 tonnes of steel and concrete went into making the statue. Following Saint Petersburg’s Monument to Peter the Great in height, it is currently the second-tallest statue in Russia.

To the Soviet soldiers who took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, The Motherland Calls pays homage. A woman is shown in the statue holding a sword and a shield in a heroic attitude. The statue is located on an elevation overlooking the Volga River and is visible far away.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, many beautiful statues worldwide show the aesthetic and engineering prowess of various cultures and civilizations. You can locate a structure that will inspire you and help you appreciate the richness and beauty of our earth, no matter what your interests are—whether they are in history, religion, or architecture.

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