10 Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Goa for the First Time

Goa First Timers Guide

Goa is located on the west coast of India, at the mouth of the Zuari River, near the southernmost tip of India’s Maharashtra region. The name Goa comes from the Sanskrit word Gou, which means facial expression. The history of Goa dates back to about 4000 years when Goa was formed as an independent kingdom that ruled over parts of present-day Goa and nearby areas, which includes what was called Old Goa and Bardez in present-day Goa until it was occupied by the Portuguese Empire in the 17th century.

10 Things to Know Before Visiting Goa First Time:

1) Don’t expect five-star treatment all the time

If you’re used to five-star hotels and service, you might be in for a bit of a shock when visiting Goa. Many places are very basic, and even the nicer hotels may not have all the amenities you’re used to. That being said, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy your stay.

And many of the best restaurants in India are indeed located in Goa. It’s also worth noting that prices are generally much lower than elsewhere in India. So if you like Indian food, but don’t want to pay top dollar, this could be a good destination for you!

2) Learn what you can do on a budget

The India’s state of Goa is located near the Arabian Sea. Baga and Palolem are two of Goa’s most popular beaches. Are you planning a trip to Goa?

The best way to get around is by hiring an auto rickshaw, which will cost about Rs. 100 per hour or Rs. 300 per day with unlimited mileage; it’s worth paying extra for a driver who speaks English.

Be aware that hotels often require a three-night minimum stay during peak season (November through February) and five nights during low season (March through October). Prices can vary widely, but budget places generally charge less than Rs 2,000 per night (around $33) while five-star resorts can cost more than Rs 10,000 ($150).

3) Rent your own car/bike/scooter

If you’re planning on renting a car, bike, or scooter while in Goa, there are a few things you should know first. For starters, driving in India can be chaotic and hectic, so be prepared for that.

Additionally, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork and documents in order before renting anything. And finally, be aware of your surroundings at all times – especially when it comes to traffic.

Sometimes people will stop their vehicles in the middle of an intersection, preventing cars from coming through. Also, beware of children playing around – they often dart out into traffic without warning!

4) Waterproof sunblock and Bepanthen are your friends

If you’re headed to Goa, congratulations! You’re in for a treat. The first is that the sun is incredibly strong, so make sure you pack waterproof sunscreen.

Bepanthen is also a great idea to keep your skin from getting too dry. And speaking of skin, since it’s so sunny, you’ll probably want to wear light-colored clothing to help keep cool.

Finally, don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have a wonderful time in Goa!

5) Street food is cheap and delicious so try it out

Visiting Goa for the first time? One of the best things about Goa is the street food – it’s cheap and delicious, so make sure to try it out! However, be aware that some of the dishes can be quite spicy.

Also, be sure to dress conservatively if you’re planning on doing any sightseeing – while Goa is a relatively relaxed place, there are still some places where more modest clothing is required. Finally, don’t forget to pack your sunscreen! The sun can be quite intense in Goa, so you’ll want to make sure you’re protected.

6) Do not drink river water, use common sense.

If you’re visiting Goa for the first time, make sure you know these few tips to have a safe and enjoyable trip. First, don’t drink river water – it’s not safe. Stick to bottled water or boiled water instead.

Second, use common sense – if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Third, dress modestly – especially if you’re planning on visiting any religious sites.

Fourth, be prepared for the heat – Goa can be quite hot, so pack light, loose-fitting clothing and plenty of sunscreens. Fifth, bargaining is expected – don’t be afraid to haggle with shopkeepers over prices.

7) The fish in India may look fresh but can be aged up to 5 days so beware.

The fish in India may look fresh but can be aged up to 5 days so beware. If you are not used to eating fish that is a few days old, you might want to avoid it altogether. The water in Goa is also not safe to drink, so make sure to bring bottled water with you.

And finally, be prepared for the heat! Goa is a tropical climate and can be quite hot and humid, especially during the summer months. Be aware of how much time you spend outside and try to stay out of the sun during midday hours when it’s at its hottest.

8) There are no seasons, but it does get cold at night in December and January. Layer up with warm clothes.

If you’re visiting Goa for the first time, there are a few things you should know before you go. The first is that there are no seasons in Goa, so pack accordingly. It can get cold at night in December and January, so bring some warm clothes to layer up with.

Secondly, Goa is a very relaxed place and people dress casually, so don’t feel like you need to pack your best clothes. And finally, while English is widely spoken in Goa, it’s always helpful to learn a few basic phrases in Hindi or Konkani before you go.

9) Do not worry about getting sick – if you do, seek medical help right away!

Do not worry about getting sick – if you do, seek medical help right away! The water is safe to drink, but it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution and drink bottled water. Most restaurants will use purified water, but it’s still a good idea to check.

The food is generally safe, but again, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you’re worried about getting sick, there are plenty of options for western food as well. And finally, don’t forget to pack your sunscreen!

10) Taxis will overcharge you (unless your ride is shared), take an autorickshaw instead.

If you are coming to Goa for the first time, here are a few things you should know so you can make the most of your visit. First, taxis will overcharge you unless you’re sharing the ride with someone else. To avoid this, take an autorickshaw instead.

Second, Goa is a relatively safe place, but it’s still important to be aware of your surroundings and not leave your belongings unguarded in busy areas. Third, while the beaches are beautiful, they can also be quite crowded during peak season.

If you’re looking for a more secluded spot, head to one of Goa’s many hidden beaches. Fourth, food is one of the best things about Goa, so be sure to try as many different dishes as you can.


If you’re travelling to Goa and it’s your first time, you’ll have many questions about the region, its culture, its people, and what to expect once you arrive. This information is invaluable because it helps you make the most of your trip and avoid unnecessary stress and confusion. These are 10 things you need to know before visiting Goa for the first time.

Here are some more details about Goa:

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