This season, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve will introduce tribal tourism

Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh

Dudhwa Tiger Reserve (DTR) will offer tribal village tourism in Katarniaghat wildlife sanctuary this season.
It is part of the state government’s plan to boost ecotourism. Tourists will be taken on a Tharu village tour as part of this plan. Tharu are tribal people who live within the tiger reserve.

The authorities have identified Bardiya as a potential destination to promote village tourism.

The Reserve Director, Sanjay Pathak, stated that tourists will be able to experience Tharus’ lifestyle, dance, food, and culture in Bardiya. To make Tharu aware of the concept, we will organize an outreach program with the aid of local NGOs.

Through village tourism, Tharu is involved in ecotourism and can earn income through various means, such as selling their ethnic handicrafts. They also showcase their pristine cultural heritage.

It is possible to extend the program further if it is successful by making Tharu offer homestays, allowing tourists to stay with local people during their visit to the reserve.

There was an attempt last year to introduce ‘Tharu thali’ as part of the menu for tourists visiting Dudhwa. The platter contained only food from the Tharu tribe. Tharu women were engaged in food preparation, but it was not a success.

As the Director explained, “we are starting all over again and have chosen a village that will allow us to showcase everything related to Tharu,”. The reserve is scheduled to open on November 15.

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