10 Most Popular Festivals in April 2024 in India

Bihu Festival Assam

India is one of the renowned countries worldwide to experience the joy and energy of celebration with a blend of cultures. After the recreational Spring season, it is now April “the month of liveliness”. The carnival of festivals and celebrations commences in India after Holi.

So, fasten your seat belts to enjoy some delightful celebrations in April month. Participate in them to savor a feast for your loved ones. We have made a list of major festivals that are going to be celebrated in April. Learning about them will help you plan your vacation to India accordingly.

List of the 10 Most Famous Festivals in India in April:

1. Tulip Festival

This is a colorful festival that is organized in Srinagar between 19th March 2024 to 20th April 2024. This festival happens in the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden. You would be amazed to look at the pristine beauty and elegance of the brilliant tulip field. It is considered the largest Tulip Flower Show in Asia. During this time, you will see a beautifully painted Kashmir valley in various colors of the spectrum.

If you love tulips, you should surely visit this festival. As this flower blooms for only two weeks, you must visit this land of paradise within this period. The tulip field is spread over five hectares of land and overlooks the mesmerizing Dal Lake. The festival is going to overwhelm you with florid loveliness. This festival is a wonderful opportunity to see around 48 varieties of tulip flowers in a wide range of colors including crimson, striped, golden, streaked, purple, orange, and red.

More about Kashmir:

2. Mopin Festival

This is another important festival in India that falls in April month. It is going to happen to take place on 5 April 2024 in Arunachal Pradesh. The Mopin festival is celebrated as a harvest festival. Also, it is a way to keep bad spirits away.

The festival comprises a folklore dance called “Popir Dance”. It is performed by various skilled women of local tribes. On this auspicious occasion, they prepare a local dish “Apong” or rice wine.

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3. Attuvela Mahotsavam

The next top Indian festival on our list is Attuvela Mahotsavam. It is organized in Kerala on the month of 09th April 2024. This amazing water carnival is a delight for every visitor. People from all parts of the country come to witness the festival. On this day, people worship the Goddess of Kodungalloor with her sister.

The event commences with illumined and garlanded replicas of the shrines of Kerala moving across the river. The illuminated temples along with the dusky evenings make it an incredible sight.

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4. Bihu

Bihu is a renowned harvest festival of Assam. It is planned to start on 14th April 2024 and will end on 16th April 2024. It is a seven days long festival. People also call it “Bohag Bihu” as it is celebrated in the middle of April. The festival indicates the beginning of the Assamese New Year. All seven days of the festival demonstrate wonderful folk music, merriment, feasting, and Bihu dance.

Agriculture is one of the major occupations for the people in Assam. They are so dependent on it for their livelihood. So, you can understand how significant this festival is for the Assamese. Some of the fabulous highlights of this festival are folk music and dance programs, bird fighting, bullfighting, and setting fire to pavilions made up of hay, wood, and bamboo.

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5. Tamil Puthandu

Tamil Puthandu is a popular festival in Tamil Nadu. It is going to be celebrated on 14th April next year. As a rule, the festival is organized on the next day of the “Vernal equinox”. The Tamil Hindu Calendar begins with Tamil Puthandu. This implies that this day is the beginning of the Tamil New Year. In the morning, families put a big mirror on the floor and a nicely decorated plate in front of it.

This plate is filled with various offerings such as coconut, tropical fruits, fruits, gold ornaments, betel leaves, cash, and other auspicious things. It is a ritual to see the reflection of the tray via the mirror. The temples will be illuminated with specialized rituals, flower decorations, food feasts, and a lot more. Read Also: Top Most Famous Temples of Tamil Nadu

6. Baisakhi Mela

Baisakhi is one of the most important festivals of the people of Punjab. This festival is going to be celebrated on 14th April 2024 in Amritsar. It is the 1st day of the “Nanakshahi calendar”. The day has archeological importance. It is the time when the sun enters the Mesh Rashi. The festival is celebrated by different names all across India. In Assam, it is celebrated as ‘Rongali Bihu’, ‘Pooram Vishu’ in Kerala, ‘Puthandu’ in Tamil Nadu, ‘Vaishakha’ in Bihar, and ‘Naba Barsha’ in West Bengal.

It is a type of harvest festival that marks the start of Sikhism. By joining the local people in this celebration, you will be amazed to see the warmth and enthusiasm with which people celebrate this festival. In the Baisakhi festival, people celebrate the yield of the Rabi crop. They rejoice in life by dancing to the beats of Bhangra and enjoying folklore music performances while savoring delectable local cuisines.

Though Baisakhi is celebrated throughout the world, the best place to witness the grandeur and beauty of this festival is the Golden Temple, Amritsar. You can easily feel the energy of people in blissful enthusiasm. The wide range of cuisines in the epic of the feast makes it an idyllic favorite.

Punjab Tour Packages:

Read More: Baisakhi Celebration in Punjab – Festival Guide

7. Kadammanitta Padayani

This festival is celebrated in Kerala between 14th April 2024 to 23rd April 2024. April is the time when South India soothes the fascinating cheerfulness of local celebrations. Kadammanitta Padavani is a popular event that is celebrated yearly by the locals of the state.

Padayani is believed to have been created from the deepness of Travancore. The fest comprises a rhythmic synchronization between heavy drumming and harmonious folklore music. The use of several masks etches the God of death, Yakshi, Pakshi, and Bhairavi recalls the fundamentals of Hindu mythology.

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8. Mahavir Jayanti

This is another popular festival celebrated all over India in April. It is planned to take place on 21st April 2024. Mahavir Jayanti is the major festival of people belonging to the Jain sect.

The day commemorates the birth of the Lord Mahavirawho and is worshipped as the last Tirthankara. On this day, visit observe fast, visit temples, offer prayers to the statues of the Lord, meditate, and indulge in charity.

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9. Good Friday

Good Friday is a very significant festival in the Christian community. It is celebrated throughout the world with love and devotion. Good Friday is planned for the celebration on 29th March 2024. On this day, people gather and visit the Church to attend mass.

The day marks the passion, suffering, and demise of Lord Jesus at the time of ordeal on the cross. It is also observed that Christians keep fast, offer prayers, regret, and meditate on this day.

10. Easter

The first Sunday that comes after Good Friday is celebrated as Easter. This is again a popular festival for Christians. The festival will take place on 31st March 2024 and is celebrated throughout the world. On Easter, Jesus Christ was believed to have been raised from death.

He paid the penalty via his death, funeral, and Renaissance for the bad deeds of his disciples and followers. On this day the Christians unite and celebrate the revival of the Lord Jesus. The day is considered the day of service.


These are some of the spectacular festivals that will give you a lifetime experience. There are several tours and travel companies that provide affordable holiday packages to people for an exciting Indian tour.  Book your vacation soon to live this refreshing season by being a part of these beautiful festivals.

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