Top 10 Reasons: Why Travel to Cambodia?

Top 10 Reasons Why Travel to Cambodia

Cambodia is very famous from the point of view of tourism all over the world, there are almost all kinds of places for tourists to see, apart from this, this place also provides many options for the activities done during Turing. Be it natural beauty or places related to architecture or markets related to modernity are all present here, so Cambodia can be a perfect place to visit.

Let us know about some such special facts which are very important while traveling in Cambodia it is very important to all people who are planning for their next trip if you are searching for a place which has a lot of things to do and a lot of places to visit then you can go with Cambodia and if you are thinking why we should go Cambodia then read all information carefully.

Top 10 Reasons to Go Traveling in Cambodia

1. Unique Bamboo Train

Bamboo Train Cambodia

You may find it strange to hear but it is possible to ride a bamboo train here, it is being used for many years, this train is made of wood, in which heavy wheels are used, this train starts from O Dumbong and much more Moving in the zig-zag direction through the winding flowers, it goes towards O Sera Love, this place passes through many high and low winding places, so the speed of the train here is 15 kilometers per hour, in this speed, tourists can easily get around. You can see the beautiful views.

There is only one track for the arrival of the train on this route, in such a way, when another train arrives from the front, one train is removed from the way, and after the departure of the other train, the train starts moving on its way again, it is located in Cambodia. There is a beautiful trip that you can do when you visit Cambodia and keep this memorable moment in your memories forever.

2. Ru Freely in “Mirror of the sky”

Ru Freely in Mirror of the sky Cambodia

When we are talking about famous places in Thailand, how can we forget Kampot, it is a famous salt-producing area located in Cambodia? Kampot’s distance from downtown is about 2 km. Here you can see the salt cultivation which you can see far and wide. Salt plains are visible, this place also looks very beautiful and attractive to see, here salt is produced in large quantities, and salt is produced between January and April, at this time this place is very busy.

Salt fields are visible in Cambodia, where you can see them shining like glass in the sun, here many laborers work and do salt cultivation very hard, this salt place is very popular salt cultivation. Along with this, a large number of tourists also do photography by reaching here because this place looks quite amazing to see.

3. Cycling in Country Fields

Cycling in Country Fields Cambodia

There are many means of rent available to roam in Cambodia, which you can take touring in the countryside here, it can be a good option to ride a bicycle here, on which you can see the beautiful views of the surroundings and also do photography. Apart from this, when you ride a bicycle, you can enjoy the weather here and breathe freely in the open environment.

If you like cycling, then you can reach here and enjoy the countryside of Cambodia among the local people, as well as see the daily life of the local people and understand their way of life. Here you can also see about the sowing of crops and the cultivation of silk by the farmers. Apart from this cycling is good for health then you can go with cycle.

4. Enjoy the Beach and the Waves

Kep Beach Cambodia

Cambodia is a country where a variety of beaches and islands are present, apart from this, there is a port on the southwest coast of Cambodia. You can also see the sunset view while walking on the sea shore in the evening, here you get to see many famous beaches like Samui, where tourists always reach to enjoy.

Apart from this, the port of Sihanouk is also very popular here, it was named after the former king of Cambodia. Apart from the local people, many tourists from abroad reach here for the holidays, and many tourists from America and Europe reach here every year. Apart from this, you can spend moments of bliss by sitting on the chairs on the resort present here.

5. Traditional Crafts

Traditional Crafts Cambodia

After reaching Cambodia, if you want to see the art culture here, then there are many places for this, including Angkor Wat Art Workshop is present, which is known as a non-profit organization. This place has preserved samples related to the ancient Khmer arts and crafts of Cambodia even today, it is often crowded with tourists, which you can also plan to visit.

This place is open for tourists, after reaching here you can see many types of old-time paintings, which include lac painting, silver painting, silk painting, etc. Apart from this, you can also see many types of handicrafts including jewelry, which you can see in this workshop. Showing the history of Cambodia even today.

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6. Taste Cambodian Specialties

Taste Cambodian Specialties

This place is popular for many years as a colony of the French, whose location is mainly located near Vietnam and Thailand, in this way you can see many types of specialties in this country, here in the urban areas of Cambodia you can eat delicious food. You can see the diversity and understand the beauty here.

Apart from this, Cambodia is famous for the spices of other Southeast Asian countries in Cambodia, here you can enjoy many types of spices in food. If you are going to visit Cambodia, then you will be impressed by the food here because you get many varieties of food here which you can enjoy in different cities.

7. Experience the NightLife

Experience the NightLife in Cambodia

After visiting the natural places in Cambodia, if you want to enjoy in the evening, then you can enjoy the nightlife of Cambodia, here you get bars and pubs to enjoy, in which you can have fun till late at night here. If you want to spend time, then you can go to Bar Street near Siem Reap Old Market.

Apart from this, if you like to roam at night and want to visit the market at night, then you can go to the night market on the banks of the SiemReap river, this place is always busy during the day and night, the Red Piano and Temple Club here are very much It is famous here you can see shops selling handicrafts, besides books and postcards are sold at many shops.

Also, read Top 10 Destinations To Visit in Cambodia Trip

8. Fully Relax with A Cambodian Massage

Fully Relax with A Cambodian Massage

After roaming in Cambodia for a whole day, you would like to get a chance for a flower body massage, for this, you can go for a Cambodian massage Siem Reap is the main area here where there are many massage parlors where 10 dollars to 100 dollars for massage Here it is up to you that what type of massage you want to get done.

Tourists in this area are often in search of a good massage parlor to reduce fatigue and relax, if you want to enjoy a massage after reaching Cambodia, then you can select the type of massage according to your budget, and a few hours Major Cambodians can enjoy massages.

9. Watch Khmer Song & Dance Shows

Watch Khmer Song & Dance Shows Cambodia

Many people want to listen to songs and dance for fun in Cambodia, then in Cambodia, you can enjoy songs and dances related to Khmer culture in these areas, through this you can understand the history of the Angkor Wat dynasty and the culture here. You can also enjoy related songs.

When you see these shows with your own eyes, you will feel that you have traveled in time with the help of laser rays and reached 1200 AD and here you can see such a scene that brings alive the Cambodian culture. Watching all this can be a pleasant experience for you.

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10. Natural Environment

Natural Environment Cambodia

There are many beaches, forests and architecture-related places in the country of Cambodia, apart from this, many types of activities can also be done here, according to this, this place is a very good choice for tourists, but when you plan to visit here, then You are completely impressed by the beauty of this place after visiting.

After seeing the waterfalls, mountains, caves and palaces, and temples of this region, you can be completely impressed by the atmosphere here. This place is a great pack for tourists, where you will never be disappointed after reaching and will always appreciate the natural beauty of the place, that is why every year there is a continuous increase in tourists.


If you are planning to visit Cambodia and want to know about the reason for coming here, then you must have understood from the information given here that Cambodia should be visited for many reasons and many major activities must be done. Some special places are a must-see.

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