Top 10 Reasons To Visit God’s Own Country, Kerala

Kerala is the number one destination to be in India. Besides the busy city centers, there is Kerala, which seems outdated. However, there you can find God’s country where many temples are built for their grace, and a serious number of people live there without basic amenities or even electricity sometimes.

Being in close proximity to the international airports, you can get there easily and start your stay in India in this beautiful scenery. However, you need to know the rules and regulations of this great spot and respect them for as long as you will reside there. Kerala is the heart of traditional India and the place everyone would like to spend a week of their lives to ensure that they have empathy for others and they know what the real meaning of life is when being in the pure nature around other simple people.

Here Are 10 Reasons Why Kerala is Indeed God’s Own Country!

1. Find the Best Seashores

The first scope would be to find the right beaches. The place is located on the beast shores of the Indian ocean. That’s why many people prefer to stay in Kerala for at least a week and enjoy their daily swims that they cannot find anywhere else in India.

The cost of living is low there, and you can have a lodge and daily nutrition for a very small budget. The local guides will also reveal to you some natural sea shores that only people who live there know. It’s the best experience you will have in your life.

2. Enjoy the Religious Festivals

Another reason to visit Kerala place would be to learn more about the religious festivals that are held many times throughout the year. The Kerala festival is known for gathering Hindu people from all around India and the surrounding nations.

You can find many people who worship their Hindu gods come there and send flowers to the temples. You will find it extremely useful to be there as much time as needed to be close to the prays and become one body with the people who believe in the festivities to ensure you get the idea of the real soul of India.

3. Get Acquainted with the Local People

Local people are very generous and friendly in Kerala. That makes you an ideal tourist to come and talk to them and offer them a chance to know your civilization. In exchange, the local people can show you around their villages and give you an idea about their daily lifestyle there.

It’s good also to know some Hindi language since they are more than ready to give you lessons. You may also eat with locals making the visit to Kerala one of the best experiences to chase in India and generally southeastern Asia.

4. Have the Enormous Hospitality Feeling

Hospitality feeling is everywhere in Kerala. That means you are free to go anywhere you like, homes are always open, and the stores are there to give you anything you like whenever you like it. The real hospitality heart of India beats there and gives you more incentives to stay there for longer.

People who were reluctant to meet others and shy to talk could find the best feeling of hospitality that will make them more eager to meet new people and talk to them the soonest as possible. It’s the place that soothes your heart in India and makes you a real caring person.

5. Take Some River Cruises

Rivers are all the way close to and around Kerala. As a tourist, you can find boat captains who have long wooden boats to cross the river. These traditional vessels move with the wind or even have the chance for an external engine to show you around Kerala.

Sometimes they can reach the ocean, but it’s more fascinating to sail around the river flow and see the adjacent jungles and forests. River cruises are easy to book and cost only a fraction of the price you pay for the same service in other distant countries.

6. See the Dense Nature that is Around

Kerala, India, is also known as the place of the Gods since they have given it many forests and dense jungles. You can hire a local guide to show you around the jungles of Kerala. There you can find all the lost Indian wildlife, including lions and tigers.

The dense nature requires you to be close to the guides and ensure that you will stay with the convoy without making risky choices during the trip. It’s the best thing to do when you are in Kerala as you can stay in the rain forests for at least one night and have the time of your life.

7. Buy Some Spices for Home

Spices like curcumin and curry are abundant in the Kerala location. It’s better to reach the local marketplace where you can find these spices and many more at the best prices you can ever imagine. Spices are not perishable, and you can buy as much as you like to bring back to your homeland.

Here in Kerala, you can find many types of salt and some peppers that you cannot find at home. It’s in your best interest to find the right spices there, try them in traditional food, and then get some of them in your backpack for future use.

8. Have the Best Food and Beverages in India

If you are a food lover, you can’t miss the Kerala invitation. Many people come here just to eat the best Indian food and drink beverages that they cannot find in Delhi or any other place. Kerala gives tourists all they need for their nutrition as you can enjoy rare veggies and many exotic fruits that do not exist anywhere else in the world.

All this Kerala treat is offered at extremely low prices that every tourist who reaches India can afford. Drinking and eating is the best reason to visit Kerala these days.

9. Perform Some Meditation

Meditation experts are everywhere in Kerala. Masters who know better how to soothe the pain from your body and soul are there and ready to meet you. It’s better to leave your prejudiced home and come to Kerala with an open heart to accept new remedies for your wounds.

Ayurveda masters and other meditation experts are there for a small fee and give you personalized training. You can bring this knowledge back to your country and meditate as often as you like. Spending more time there gives you more expertise, and then you can meditate on yourself a lot easier.

10. Get in touch With Multicultural People

Finally, Kerala place is the country of Gods, but it’s also the place Muslims, Christians, and Hindi people come together. There is no reason to believe in the same Gods to come to Kerala. People come there to find their own truth, and Kerala is the place where all people reside happily with each other and give them chances to unite.

A journey in Kerala will make you a lot more conscious and allow you to see the world under new filters. It’s paradise on earth, and you can relieve your anxiety and daily concerns when being there.

Find Out More About Kerala:

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