Top 10 Reasons You Should Visit North India

Top Reasons You Should Visit North India

As with any other destination, North India remains one of the top places to come and visit. There is nothing like being close to nature and at the same time being in the heart of world technology and progress. North India is the right place to be since it’s affordable and you can travel anywhere by train.

By reading this shortlist, you will be aware of the ten top reasons you need to visit North India this summer. However, make up your mind soon, or the season of Monsoon is about to come and ruin your trip. That’s why it’s better to know what to expect there and then start getting a visa and a plane ticket directly to New Delhi and then the heart of North India that will fill your soul with empathy and happiness for this beautiful place and people.

List of the 14 Best Reasons to Visit North India:

1. Exclusive Cuisine

One of the best things you can enjoy in North India would be the local cuisine. There is nothing carnivorous there, so you cannot expect to have meat anywhere close. It’s the best deal that you take your vitamins and supplements each day and then try to get the local treats in reputable restaurants.

There you may expect to have the best plant-based proteins and foods that you have never tried before. It’s necessary to know that North India uses a lot of condiments, and you should be ready to accept eating food that will have such a miraculous taste.

2. Fast and Luxurious Trains

Another reason to get to North India would be to become a witness to the fastest and most luxurious trains in the whole of Eastern Asia. The local Hindu government has spent millions of rupees to ensure that the train system is in its best shape. Not to mention that these fast trains have been created and designed by Indian manufacturers and universities.

Tourists may take advantage of the dense network of train stations to walk around North India and ensure they have admired most of its cities and villages or other scenery for that reason.

3. You Can Check the Eight Miracle of the World

In North India, you can find the so-called eighth miracle of the world. That means you can witness the great temples that have been there for thousands of years and are close to the villages and the wilderness. There is nothing like these temples that look a lot different when you visit them on multiple occasions around the year.

These miracles are there for you to check without a ticket, and it costs nothing to get in there. But you need to know that you have to take off your shoes before entering and have a humble heart and respectful dressing options.

4. Stations are On Mountain Tops

The very first thing you see when you visit North India is the set of mountains that are close to the Nepal border. That is the headway to the Himalayas, the greatest mountain of all in the world. However, when being in North India, you can admire all the train stations that are above the hills and give you a perfect view of the valley.

It’s feasible to visit as many stations as you like to ensure that you have a better look at the Indian civilization and way of living, even when you look from the top.

5. Have the Best Tea in the World

Tea leaves are great when you harvest them and consume them at the same time. That is only available to happen in North India, where the fields with tea plants are endless. There you can find some of the rarest species of green tea that are only able to plant and developed there.

You will have to enjoy the tea drops in the traditional North Indian way, where the leaves are boiled together in the same pot for several hours before they finally get served to the people. It’s one of the most unforgettable experiences you can have when you reach North India.

6. Enjoy Some Trips with River Boats

Also, riverboats are the next big thing in North India. The rivers are there full of water for thousands of years, waiting for you to explore them. The natural flow of water is from the Northern territories to the southern ones. So it’s better to start getting a river boat to the south when you have visited all the North area, and there is nothing else to discover.

People who are on the riverboats are professionals and give you the best advice on what you need to have with you to spend time peacefully on these vessels.

7. See the Most Magnificent Animals

North India is the birthplace of many wildlife animals hidden in its jungles. Tropical forests are also available there to give you a glimpse of the bio-diversity that flora and fauna of North India have to offer you.

When you spend more than two weeks in North India, it’s worth devoting a day to meeting new animals like hogs and rare Hippos that are the only residents of this place.

After all, knowing the wildlife will give you many opportunities to have more captures with the camera and post more magnificent postings to your social media accounts when coming back.

8. Join Some of the Best Festivals in India

Festivals run throughout the whole year in North India. It’s one of the best places in the world to participate in religious festivals that welcome all foreigners coming to India. These festivals contain praying for the good in life and also eating and dancing around fires. It’s one of the best experiences you may have in your life, so you better be prepared for it whenever you find yourself on an organized trip to North India.

People are very welcoming, and you will easily become one with them and start sharing your views about life and stay there for a few days to check their lifestyle and way of living.

9. Follow the Public Buildings Architecture

There are many cities and villages in North India that deserve to spend some time visiting them. You will find some influence from the English way of building public homes and become a witness to the best Hindu architecture you have ever seen.

These public buildings are homes for the police or other municipal authorities. Some of them are museums to ensure that they will never get demolished. It’s better to stick around and take some pictures that you can easily present to your peers when you get back home.

10. Get in Touch With Local Ecologists

One of the prime reasons to visit North India would be to find local ecologists who have taken the ecologic movement to another level. People who come to North India are more likely to find other locals to talk about the environment and ensure that they know more about the climate change that has affected North India too.

North India is a breathtaking destination that you will love to be there whenever you need to have some relaxation in your life. Considering our tips, it would be better to know them and go there prepared.

To learn more about North India:

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