What is Lathmar Holi? Date, Why & How is it celebrated?

What is Lathmar Holi

Braj is a historical region that covers the area of Mathura, Vrindavan, and the nearby areas. Lathmar Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated by the people of Barsana and Nandgaon villages, Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.

What is Lathmar Holi?

Lath means “lathi or sticks” and Mar means “to beat”, the name Lathmar Holi signifies “Celebrating Holi by beating with sticks”.

Thousands of people throng the village to celebrate the legendary festival in honor of Lord Krishna and his consort Radha.

When compared to other regions, Lathmar Holi is celebrated with pomp and fanfare in the Mathura region since it is considered to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna.

Date of 2024 Lathmar Holi in Barsana and Nandgaon

The festival is celebrated seven days before the actual Holi celebrations begin in India.

This year Lathmar Holi in Barsana is on 24th March 2024  and in Nandgaon on 25th March 2024.

Read More Details: Holi Festival in India 2024

Why is it celebrated?

The festival is exclusively celebrated in the village of Barsana and Nandgaon, the birthplace of Radha and Krishna.

The village is nestled between two hills and is located adjacent to each other. Also, the two hills are colored white and black, the white hill is known as Brahma Hill, and the black hill is known as Vishnu Hill.

Nandgaon village is located on top of the Nandeeshwar hills and is the place where Lord Krishna resided with his foster parents.

The villages are located adjacent to each other and the villagers gather together to celebrate the rituals. People throng the temple courtyard and dance to the beats of the dholak. Furthermore, entire village bylanes along with its inhabitants are doused in colors to signify the spirit of brotherhood and oneness.

Legend has it that Lord Krishna complained to his mother Yashoda that Radha was fair and he was dark-complexioned. His mother playfully insisted that he smear Radha with colored powder so that she would match his complexion.

On his mother’s insistence, Lord Krishna and his friends sneaked into the village of Barsana, considered to be the birthplace of his divine consort Radha. Since Lord Krishna is synonymous with being a prankster, he smeared color powder on the face of Radha and teased her playfully by singing songs to annoy her and her friends.

It is said that the elder ladies residing in the village of Barsana were shocked by Lord Krishna’s pranks. They expressed their displeasure by driving out Lord Krishna and his friends from the village wielding sticks.

Before leaving, Lord Krishna annoyed the ladies by shielding their attacks and singing songs to provoke their anger.  To revenge the pranks, Radha and her friends descended on Nandgaon village, the birthplace of Lord Krishna. They pranked him and his friends by smearing them with colors and dousing them with watercolors.

Thus, this legend is commemorated by the inhabitants of both villages by celebrating the events of this historic festival.

How is it celebrated?

The festival of Lathmar Holi is celebrated for four days, the women start preparing for the festivities a month in advance.

First-day in Celebration of Lathmar Holi:

The celebrations begin with both men and women gathering at the temple premises to begin the rituals leading to the festivities. After the rituals are complemented, men and women throng the colorful bylanes. The women smear the men with colorful powders and ensure that no one is spared. The women folk dance to classical songs sung by elders and indulge in festivities the entire day.

Second-Day Celebration of Lathmar Holi:

On the second day, Gops also known as “shepherds” from Nandgaon visit the village of Barsana. They celebrate Holi with the Gopis of Barsana by smearing their faces with color powders and teasing them playfully.

Third-Day Celebration of Lathmar Holi

On the third day, Gops from Barsan heads to the village of Nandgaon to celebrate Holi with the Gopis in Nandgaon. The men visit the Shri Radha Rani Temple, the only temple in India built in the honor of Radha.

The villagers enact the scene at the time of Holi to celebrate the long-standing tradition. The men sneak into the compound of the Shri Radha Rani Temple built in the honor of Radha. The men begin teasing the women by singing provocative songs to attract their attention.

In turn, women express their displeasure by playfully beating the men with bamboo sticks to chase them away from the temple.

The men come well-prepared by carrying shields and wearing padded clothing to bear the brunt of the beatings from women. Moreover, men playfully shield themselves from women who throw sticks at them.

After the scenes are enacted, men and women celebrate Holi by smearing color powders and splashing each other with watercolors. They also repeatedly chant the names of Lord Krishna and Shri Radha.

The entire village displays a colorful look during the Lathmar Holi festivities. The unlucky men who are captured by the womenfolk are dressed in women’s clothes and made to dance in public.

Fourth or Final Day Celebration of Lathmar Holi

On the final day, the womenfolk from both villages gather and celebrate Holi among themselves by smearing each other with color powders. The mischievous men sneak into the festivities and douse the women folk with watercolors and annoy them.

More informaation on Mathura:

Special dishes during Lathmar Holi

The village folk makes an intoxicating drink called “Thandai”. It is a celebratory drink made from a paste made of peppercorns, almonds, fennel, poppy seeds, cardamom, rose water, and rose petals.

The paste of then mixed with cold milk and cannabis since it is considered to be legal in the city. Cannabis mixed in the milk along with the fragrant paste is consumed by people who turn ecstatic upon consumption.

People also cherish the festivities by making an array of tasty dishes such as Pani Poori, Jalebis, Kesari Pedas, Aloo Tikkis, Kachoris, Gulab Jamuns, and Sweet Lassi.

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Thousands of people from all over India throng the temple to witness the men getting chased and beaten by women with bamboo sticks. Finally, people consume the tasty dishes and also indulge in revelry.

Though Lathamar Holi is unique to Mathura, foreigners and Indians from other regions throng the temple premises to revel in the festivities.

People from all walks of life are accepted with open arms and embraced with love by the villagers. This unique feature highlights the spirit of brotherhood that India is well-known for around the world.

Also, read other articles related to celebrating festivals in India:

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