What to Pack for India Summer Vacation: Top 10 Packing List

What to Pack for India trip

To every binge, there is a season. But India remains timeless in every season. The country got everything that you want – a lovely landscape to diverse vegetation and most importantly the picturesque worthy sights, to take your breath away.

The country takes you to mesmerizing architecture, to gorgeous lakesides, with the Himalayas at the backdrop and stretched beaches to the planes that transport you to another world altogether. Nestled between mountains and lakes, with some strange adventures is perfect to visit any season.

You can plan your visit during summer either on your own or by getting into a group tour and tend to visit in the summer days. Well, now the question which pops into your mind is what should you take with you in your bag for a tour in the summer days in India.

Your visit during the hottest days of the year needs to be planned, erupting from packing certain essentials right after staying moisturize.

The summer season knocks on its door in the month of March and it extends till may when temperatures in some areas go rising up to 40°C. Well towards late May, as monsoon tends to approach it becomes very humid which can be a bad experience.

Well, this season has many of exciting adventures for you as long as you stay hydrated throughout the tour. Plan a trip to wildlife national parks to find the animals who escape themselves from the scorching sun to the holes which remain watering.

If you want to run away from the city crowd and the scorching sun, you can head to visit the outstanding hill station and the foothills of the mountains which remain cooler or straight ahead for the beach. Well, these spots remain quite overcrowded and prices are hiked up so advance booking is a must.

Here’s a comprehensive packing list to help you prepare for your summer vacation in India.

1. Lightweight Clothing

Pack light and breathable clothing to stay comfortable in the heat. Cotton and linen garments are your best friends as they allow your skin to breathe and keep you cool. Include long-sleeved tops and pants in your packing list, not only to protect you from the sun but also to respect local customs, especially when visiting religious sites.

2. Sun Protection Gear

Sun protection is non-negotiable. Bring a high-SPF sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protected sunglasses. The sun can be particularly harsh, especially in the afternoons, making these items essential to shield you from sunburn and heat strokes.

3. Comfortable Footwear

Expect a lot of walking, whether you’re navigating the crowded streets of cities or exploring rural landscapes. Comfortable walking shoes are a must. Sandals or flip-flops are also handy, especially if you’re visiting beaches or staying in accommodations where shoes are customarily removed.

4. Hydration Supplies

Staying hydrated is crucial in the Indian summer. Include a reusable water bottle in your packing list. Many places have water purifiers, and carrying your bottle means you can refill and stay hydrated without constantly buying plastic water bottles, thus being eco-friendly.

5. Medications and Health Supplies

Pack a basic travel health kit including over-the-counter medicines for common ailments like headaches, fever, or upset stomach, considering the change in cuisine and climate. Don’t forget your prescription medications, with a copy of the prescription. Also, consider including hand sanitizer and mosquito repellent.

6. Power Bank and Adapters

With so much to capture and document, your gadgets will be heavily used. A power bank ensures your devices never run out of battery. India uses 230V, 50Hz electricity and power sockets types C, D, and M, so bring a universal adapter for your electrical devices.

7. Lightweight Day Pack

A lightweight, secure day pack is great for carrying your essentials while you’re out exploring. Opt for one that’s comfortable to carry and has secure, zippable compartments to keep your belongings safe from pickpockets.

8. Travel Insurance Documents

Travel insurance is a must-have for any international trip. It can cover everything from medical emergencies to trip cancellations. Keep a digital copy of your insurance documents easily accessible on your phone or an electronic device.

9. Cultural Sensitivity Items

India is a country of diverse religions and customs. For women, packing a scarf or shawl can be particularly useful for covering your head or shoulders when required. Learning a few basic phrases in Hindi or the local language of the region you’re visiting can also go a long way in showing respect and enhancing your travel experience.

10. Eco-friendly Toiletries

Consider packing biodegradable and eco-friendly toiletries, including soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. Many areas, especially in rural or natural settings, have delicate ecosystems, and using environmentally friendly products helps minimize your ecological footprint.

  • Water purifier tablet: Tap water is not at all safe to drink in a country like India. Staying hydrated during summers is a must. So do pack some purifier tablets if you want.
  • Sunscreen: Carry an SPF cream or a sunscreen and apply it gently to protect yourself from the scorching sunlight.
  • Umbrella, scarf or hat: Some people do avoid explosion to sunlight. Thus carrying a lightweight umbrella or a scarf or a hat can be very much useful.
  • Body wipes: Summers are mostly humid along with the dust which seems to be quite uncomfortable. Thus body wipes, which are handy can be a great idea to keep oneself freshen if you are roaming throughout the day.

Carrying out the clothing for this summer

Most of us are often confused about what to carry and what not to. Even sometimes we are so much loaded with unnecessary clothes which comes back with us without wearing at least once.

Loose-fitting items of clothing and light colors are the ultimate key for your survival this summer if you are planning to book your flights to India. Here are a few recommendations which will help you to sort out your problems and pack up only the things you find important:

  • Light tops and t-shirts: Don’t ever forget to pack light and lose fitted t-shirts and tops which will some way help you to protect from the heat. You can avoid wearing shades of intense colors especially black which tends to absorb more light.
  • Tank tops: Urban areas are perfect if you are planning to wear tank tops. However, you must go with such tank tops which is not much exposure to avoid unwanted comments from the locals around.
  • Yoga pants: Sometimes covering your long legs during your visit to religious sites is a must. Thus do pack such yoga pants which go for every occasion and are most comfortable.
  • A pair of sunglasses: To protect your eyes from the sun and the dust all around, don’t forget to pack with a pair of sunglasses.
  • Shoes: While on your trip you must make sure that you had packed a comfortable pair of shoes.

Pack your essentials and enjoy your India trip and make it a memorable one.

Guide to Visting India during the Summer Season

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Popular activities to see and do in summer season August month

Also Read Best Places to Visit Rajasthan in Summer

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