Top 7 Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks in Odisha

Satkosia Tiger Reserve Odisha

Odisha is among the states that have kept India’s rich culture and customs. Hundreds of ancient historical sites may be found across the state. Their tourist board uses the phrase ‘India’s best-kept secret.’ The capital city of Bhubaneshwar alone contains hundreds of historical heritage monuments. There are also majestic mountains, tranquil beaches, stunning animals, and one-of-a-kind arts and crafts.

It is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna too. Odisha’s abundance of wildlife sanctuaries demonstrates this. It also boasts numerous distinguishing features, including the state’s sole turtle refuge and the only lagoon with a bird sanctuary. Odisha’s wildlife reserves are not unique but also a treat for every nature enthusiast.

Check Out the List of Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks in Odisha:

1. Similipal National Park

Similipal National Park, located in a picturesque and beautiful town in Odisha, reflects the natural splendor of a past era. It was previously a hunting place for the kings of the province and is located near Mayurbhanj. Similipal is India’s largest wildlife sanctuary and one of the nation’s most significant tiger conservation projects.

The area is abundant in lush woods, stunning meadows, breathtaking waterfalls, and gorgeous rivers. It is endowed with a high level of biodiversity and a wide range of species, making it an ideal location for sightseeing! Simlipal Reserve is home to around 1000 plant species.

2. Bhitarkanika National Park

The Bhitarkanika Wetland, which covers an area of 145 square kilometers, is divided into three protected areas: Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhitarkanika National Park, and Marine Gahirmatha Sanctuary. This area is regularly inundated by Brahmani, Baitarani, Dhamra, & Pathsala, transforming it into a marshy wetland.

This national park, surrounded by mangrove vegetation, is home to seawater crocodiles, estuary turtles, and other aquatic creatures and birds. There have also been sightings of a king cobra, an Indian python, a spotted deer, a wild boar, a black ibis, and a water monitor lizard. This marshy wetland of Bhitarkanika is India’s second biggest mangrove environment after Sundarbans & undoubtedly one of the best national parks in Odisha.

3. Chilika Lagoon

Chilika Lake is a highly saline water lagoon. It is spread across the Odisha districts of Puri, Ganjan & Khurda. Chilika is India’s largest coastal lagoon and the world’s largest brackish water lagoon. The lagoon is around 1,100 square kilometers in area. It is the subcontinent’s most excellent wintering site for migratory birds. Several endangered plant and animal species live in the lake.

During the peak migration season, the lagoon is home to around 160 bird species. Microalgae, fish, grasses, aquatic weeds, and crabs thrive in the Chilika Lagoon’s salty water. It is among the best Famous Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks in Odisha.

4. Tikarpada Wildlife Reserve

A total area of 795.52 square kilometers is covered by Tikarpada Wildlife Sanctuary It never fails to enthrall visitors with its breathtaking beauty, lush green surroundings, the much-loved rambling of the River Mahanadi, the world-famous Satkosia gorge, and a diverse range of wild birds, animals, and plants.

Tikarpada Wildlife Sanctuary is home to leopards, tigers, gaurs, simbal, four-horned antelopes, spotted deer, sloths, gharial, and a variety of other animals. The Gharial Sanctuary breeds Gharials to boost their numbers and provide them with the proper environment and care. Wildlife Sanctuary Chandaka Dampara is situated in Cuttack’s southern area. The sanctuary covers an area of 193.39 square kilometers in the upland of the North-Eastern Ghat. The location is more often known as the Chandaka Elephant Sanctuary.

Six types of plants fill the 194 square kilometers: moist, semi-evergreen woods, coastal Sal forests, Kangada forests, prickly bamboo brakes, planted teak, and Eupatorium scrub. Leopards are more commonly seen here, apart from elephants. Chital, common langur, deer, rhesus monkey, wild boar, tiny Indian civet, mongoose, sloth bear, pangolin, ratel, Indian wolf, & hyena are all common in the forests.

5. Kotgarh Wildlife Sanctuary

Kotagarh Wildlife Sanctuary is among Odisha’s largest wildlife sanctuaries, including five reserve forests, three proposed reserve forests, and a few deemed woods. Kotagarh Animal Sanctuary is surrounded by pisal, sissoo, and sal woods.

It is home to various wildlife species such as tiger, antelope, leopard, barking deer, jackal, civet cat, wild boar, and nilgai. Kotagarh Wildlife Sanctuary, which covers 400 square kilometers, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.

6. Satkosia Tiger Reserve

Satkosia Tiger Reserve is located in the Angul district of Odisha and covers an area of around 988.30 square kilometers. The largest river in Odisha, the Mahanadi, divides the Tiger Reserve & forms a 22-kilometer-long canyon known as Satkosia Gorge. The forest’s central area is approximately 523.61 square kilometers.

The forest is composed of mixed deciduous woods, including Sal and riverine woodland. The leopard, Indian wild dog, wild boars, sloth bear, striped hyena, leopard cat, and jungle cat are all found here. The reserve is home to a large number of Asian elephants. There are also crocodiles & gharials in the canyon.

7. Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary

Debrigarh Animals Sanctuary, formerly home to the legendary freedom fighter Surender Sai under British dominion, is now home to some unique wildlife. This sanctuary is home to various animals, including tigers, leopards, hyenas, monitor lizards, and many others.

This may be a dry forest, but the feeling it provides is everything. But, If you want to utilize the sanctuary’s accommodations, you must first get authorization from the forest department. Debrigarh is among the top Famous Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks in Odisha.


Odisha is well-known for its rich historical and cultural history and has numerous popular tourist spots that appeal to both local and international visitors. Many people must understand that Odisha has an equally excellent wildlife tourist experience. Nature has blessed us with a plethora of flora and wildlife. We have listed above the top 7 Famous Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks in Odisha. Thank you for reading our article thoroughly.

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