Top 10 Incredible Natural Wonders in Asia

Komodo Island Indonesia2

There is no dearth of natural wonders in Asia considering its expansiveness and diversity. However, some places are more popular than the rest. If you are a nature lover or adventurer, you should know about the top 10 spectacular natural wonders in Asia.

What are the 10 Famous Magnificent Natural Wonders in Asia?

1. Mount Everest

Mount Everest Nepal

When it comes to natural wonders in Asia, Mount Everest deserves to get the first rank. This mighty natural wonder is the epitome of beauty, magnificence, and grandeur. All of us know how most mountaineers envision conquering this hard-to-reach mountain and keep preparing hard to achieve success.

Even reaching the Base Camp of Mount Everest is a commendable achievement and a one-of-a-kind experience for the individual. Being the highest mountain in the globe, there are only a handful of people who have successfully climbed it.

Needless to say, climbing and conquering Mount Everest has been one of the toughest challenges for mankind for ages. Only highly-trained and extremely fit mountaineers can succeed to climb the summit of this mighty mountain.

Being the most distinguished mountain peak in the mighty Himalayan Mountain range, Mount Everest does have no line to indicate its spread. Did you know the highest mountain in the world has separated Nepal and Tibet (the autonomous part of China) by acting as a partial boundary?

When it comes to Nepal, the mountain is nestled in a faraway place. In other words, the Nepalese side of Mount Everest is located in the northeastern district of Solukhumbu. This remote region can be accessed by heading to the east of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal.

On the other hand, the part of Mount Everest in Tibet is perched on an even more distant region, called Tingri County. It is an integral part of the Qomolangma National Nature Preserve. The enchanting beauty and mysterious gorgeousness of Mount Everest have made it the topmost natural wonder in Asia.

2. Komodo Island

Komodo Island Indonesia

The list of natural wonders in Asia won’t be complete without giving credit to the magnificent Komodo Island. In other words, this heartwarming place deserves to get a high rank on the list.

Nestled in Indonesia, Komodo Island is well-known for its dragons as well as a breathtaking pink beach. Visiting this place and witnessing a Jurassic Park-style ambiance is a one-of-a-kind experience for travelers.

Did you know Komodo Island in Indonesia houses approximately four thousand huge Komodo dragons? These creatures have created a live version of a mini Jurassic Park in Indonesia. Although most travelers are interested in Komodo dragons, the pink beach of Komodo Island, Pantai Merah, has also made the place immensely popular.

The Komodo Island’s coast is dotted with unique coral reefs, and some of them have become the most prominent dive spots in the world. The mesmerizing pink sand beach in Indonesia attracts tourists in large numbers for its exceptional views and pristine waters.

Read also: Plan Your October Getaway: Best Places in Asia

3. Jeju Island

Jeju Island South Korea

Are you interested in knowing about the spectacular natural wonders in Asia? Yes? Then, you should know about the spectacular Jeju Island. Located in South Korea, Jeju Island is a massive mass of land, which is fondly classified as one of the most magnificent natural destinations in Asia.

Most geologists consider Jeju their dream destination, as there are many aspects to explore to enrich their knowledge and boost their exposure. Lava tubes and craters created by a volcanic eruption formed this magnificent island.

One of the most significant landscapes of Jeju Island is Hallasan, which is a massive mountain with a vast volcanic crater along with a lake at the top of it. Moreover, the beauty of the island lies in its coastline, which is dotted with marvelous beaches.

Jeju Island is also home to spectacular waterfalls. And all of these natural wonders have made the place a dream destination for nature lovers. Did you know that this exceptionally beautiful place witnesses more than twelve million visitors every year?

4. Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay Vietnam

The list of the top ten natural wonders in Asia cannot be complete without Ha Long Bay. Located in Vietnam, this magnificent destination has been there in the list of seven natural wonders of the globe for more than a decade.

In short, Ha Long Bay is a paradise for nature lovers and adventurous souls. The out-of-the-world beauty and soothing ambiance have made Ha Long Bay the most dreamlike destination in Asia. Ha, Long Bay in Vietnam is home to more than 1,900 exceptionally beautiful islands as well as islets spreading across the enchanting emerald-colored waters of this surreal destination.

One needs to explore Ha Long Bay to indulge in its beauty and grandeur. It is not possible to perceive its magnificence and surreal beauty by looking up photos and videos. The karst landscape was eroded by water and wind and thereby formed limestone pillars, which have become islands.

Needless to say, sailing through the islands, scattering throughout the emerald green water body, is a one-of-a-kind experience for travelers. It is not easy to comprehend such magnificent beauty after witnessing it for the first time.

In other words, Ha Long Bay leaves travelers in awe and speechless, so feeling at a loss for words is natural for Ha Long Bay travelers, especially for the first time. Are you ready to discover this breathtaking place to pacify your mind, body, and soul?

5. Ban Gioc

Ban Gioc – Detian Falls Vietnam

Nature lovers and adventurers adore waterfalls for their immaculate beauty and soothing ambiance. And when it comes to the most beautiful waterfall in the entire world, Ban Gioc deserves the position. The dream-like magnificence and heavenly beauty of Ban Gioc are the epitomai of the greatest natural wonders in Asia.

Although Ban Gioc is similar to world-renowned Niagara, Iguazu, and Victoria Falls, the three-tiered waterfall overshadows the others with its grandeur and magnificence. The majority of the waterfall’s enchanting beauty lies in its multi-cascade nature.

Sprawled throughout the border between two countries, Vietnam and China, the beautiful Ban Gioc Waterfall leaves spectators in awe. It is not possible to comprehend the enchanting beauty of this natural wonder without witnessing it in person.

The source of the Ban Gioc Waterfall is the Quay Son River as well as several underground springs. You can plan a customized trip to cover this wonderful location on your next vacation.

6. Gobi Desert

Gobi Desert China and Mongolia

The best natural wonders in Asia also comprise a vast land of sweeping sands, which is the Gobi Desert. It is an astounding amalgamation of magnificent cliffs and dune creations, which leaves beholders in awe. Many people think the Gobi Desert is a place lacking water, but it is a myth. The Gobi Desert is home to many rivers above and beneath the sand along with multiple lakes. And these water bodies are fed by groundwater.

When it comes to the list of the largest deserts in the world, the Gobi Desert secures sixth place, thanks to its awe-inspiring expansiveness. Although the place seems uninhabitable at first glance, it houses plants, mammals, reptiles, and so on of different varieties.

Although the Arabian Desert is more wide-ranging as compared to the Gobi Desert by a large size, experts consider the Arabian Desert to be the Sahara Desert’s extension. Therefore, the Arabian Desert cannot be given individual status when it comes to the largest desert in Asia. And this fact has made the Gobi Desert achieve the number one position.

This expansive desert is nestled in the middle of two countries, China and Mongolia. Thus, both of these countries get a sandy border for the Gobi Desert being sandwiched between the two. Whereas Mongolia is located to the north of the desert, China is nestled in the south. On the other hand, the Gobi Desert connects with the Taklamakan Desert, located in northwest China.

7. Dead Sea

Dead Sea Jordan

The popularity of the Dead Sea has been evident for centuries due to its healing powers and breathtaking beauty. Travelers in large numbers pay a visit to the Dead Sea to stay afloat in its salty water body, which is the saltiest in the world. The water is believed to improve or cure all types of skin issues.

Did you know the waters of the Dead Sea are ten times saltier than any ocean or sea in the world? And this fact has made it next to impossible to swim in the salty water of the lowest point on the Earth. The salinity level of the Dead Sea is 34.2%, so travelers can stay afloat on the salty water body with ease.

Most travelers do not reach the Dead Sea for the attraction of its surroundings. What draws the traveler’s attention is the water body’s shoreline, which is the lowest point below sea level in the world. Both nature lovers and photographers adore the Dead Sea for its magnificence and therapeutic properties.

Moreover, the side of the Dead Sea comes with a sign affirming its negative elevation, which has become a world-renowned spot for photography. Whether it is experiencing the healing powers of the briny waters or indulging in surreal views, the Dead Sea is one of the most popular natural wonders in Asia.

The Dead Sea is sprawled across the Jordan Rift Valley, which is stretched between Jordan and Israel. Jordan and Israel border the eastern and western shores of the Dead Sea. Nonetheless, 25 km of this salt lake’s coastline is located within Palestinian Authority territory.

Would you like to indulge in the beauty and experience the therapeutic effects of the Dead Sea? Yes? Then, you should plan your trip today!

8. Puerto Princesa Underground River

Puerto Princesa Underground River Philippines

Adventurous souls should visit Puerto Princesa at least once in their lifetime. The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico has been unknown to mankind until now. However, its recent discovery has made this subterranean river in the Philippines out of the race for the longest underground river.

Nestled in the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Philippines, this underground river receives a large number of footfalls due to its exceptional beauty.

Despite the exploration of the Yucatan Peninsula, the subterranean river in Palawan is still among the most surreal natural wonders in Asia. Travelers remain open-mouthed after reaching the place for the first time. If you want to spend your next vacation in the Philippines, then the Puerto Princesa Underground River should be there in your bucket list.

Nature lovers will feel like one with nature after starting sailing through the entrance. The exciting sounds of monkeys and the surreal beauty of the sea-green water will make it a dream-like journey for you. It would be like you are moving toward the center of the planet.

9. Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji Japan

Perched on the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Mount Fuji is around 100 kilometers away from Tokyo, the capital of Japan. In short, Mount Fuji is the pride of Japan and one of the most popular mountains in the globe. Most people can instantly recognize Mount Fuji as a prominent landmark in the world other than Mount Everest.

Although Mount Fuji is not the highest mountain in Nippon, its beauty and grandeur have set it apart from the rest. Another worth-noting reason for Mount Fuji being popular is that it is among the best awe-inspiring volcanoes in the globe. This active stratovolcano attracts tourists in large numbers when it comes to an exciting hiking journey to reach its peak. Note that Mount Fuji last erupted in 1708.

Mount Fuji is undoubtedly one of the topmost natural wonders in Japan. It is also considered the icon of this beautiful country which is regarded as sacred by the Japanese. Did you know the surrounding area of the base of Mount Fuji, which is Fuji Five Lakes, has been announced as UNESCO World Heritage? This spot is a combination of various recreational activities, such as hiking.

10. Maldives

Maldives Island

Whether you are looking for one of the best honeymoon destinations or relaxing spots, The Maldives makes an ideal option. In other words, The Maldives is considered among the top islands for travelers for its dream-like magnificence. The Maldives house twenty-six islands, which lie on the Indian Ocean spreading approximately 750 miles of the coast of India and Sri Lanka.

The Maldives are home to some of the most pristine waters in the world. First-time travelers remain open-mouthed by witnessing the clear and clean waters of this wonderland. Diving into immaculate bliss relaxes one’s mind, body, and soul. Indulging in the beauty and grandeur of the heartwarming aquatic pleasure of the Maldives creates a one-of-a-kind experience for travelers.

Hence, what are you waiting for? Make your bucket list today to explore the top natural wonders in Asia.

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