8 Best Places for Scuba Diving in India

India is surrounded by the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean so it can provide us with diverse underwater attractions. One can experience scuba diving in various places in India. By doing such an activity, you can unfold the vibrant underwater world. To enjoy a thrill-packed vacation, add this activity to your travel list.

Some of the top 8 places for scuba diving in India are listed below:

1. Dwarka in Gujarat

Scuba Diving Dwarka in Gujarat

As per Hindu mythology, this place is Lord Krishna’s residence. But only some people know this spot also comes under one of India’s best scuba diving destinations. In this location, scuba drivers can explore a remarkable marine ecosystem. Nowadays, this place is getting popular among several daring souls. Because of the clear water, visibility remains quite good. That’s why dividers can spot multiple marine species under the water, such as whale sharks, turtles, dolphins, and many more.

Surprisingly, this area quickly became a hotspot for new drivers. Because recently, several marine habits and new diving sites have been discovered near this place. It is a great place to explore the beauty and diversity of marine life. In this place, drivers can find some endangered marine life.

Best months for scuba diving: The most preferred time for scuba diving in this place is between October to March.

2. Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Scuba Diving Andaman and Nicobar Islands

It is the most preferred scuba diving spot in India among expert divers. Here divers can unfold the wonderful underwater life of the Bay of Bengal. The unique corals and ancient coral reefs create an ideal scenario for scuba diving.

There are huge possibilities to meet moray eels, Turtles, manta rays, and batfish while driving. Winter weather remains pleasant and cool here, perfect for exploring various activities like scuba diving.

Popular scuba diving spots on these islands:

Andaman and Nicobar Islands contain many scuba Diving Spots that offer this thrilling activity under the guidance of driving experts. Some famous diving spots on this island are-

  • Havelock
  • Dixon’s Pinnacle
  • The Wall etc.

Popular scuba diving organizers of these islands:

People can get several diving organizers on these islands; the most popular scuba diving organizers among them are listed below-

  • Pugmark Eco Tours
  • Barefoot
  • Experience Andamans etc.

Professional diving organizers of these islands offer various training courses for beginners. People can learn advanced-level, professional-level, and rescue-level scuba diving here.

Best months for scuba diving: The most suitable time for enjoying scuba diving activity in this place is between November to mid-April. These diving trips are arranged during morning hours.

3. Netrani Island in Karnataka

Scuba Diving Netrani Island in Karnataka

This wonderful island is also known as Pigeon Island by several individuals. It is nearly ten nautical miles away from Murdeshwar. It is a picture-perfect destination for scuba diving. The spot is shaped like a heart, so some call it ‘The heart of India’s diving’. This island offers a coral reef with various types of coral.

Drivers will also notice parrot fish, butterfly fish, shrimps, and eels. Even if the drivers are lucky, they might see orcas or whales. Due to the steep stones, this island is uninhabited. However, this island is well connected to other major cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai, etc.

The most suitable season for diving:

Winter is the best season to visit because, during December and January, the water currents remain low. Rest of the year, the currents are high.

Popular scuba diving organizers of this island:

Here you will find some renowned scuba diving organizers, which include –

  • Dive Netrani
  • West Coast Adventures
  • Netrani Adventures etc.

4. Goa

Scuba Diving Goa

Scuba diving in Goa will give you pure happiness. While driving, you can see flights of beautiful fishes, exotic corals, and other unique marine animals. There need to be more underwater currents.

Moreover, the clear visibility of the water makes this place perfect for scuba diving. The approximate temperature of the water in this place is around 28 degrees. As compared to others visibility level is far better and is close to 5-10 meters.

Popular scuba diving sites in this place:

Visitors will notice several popular scuba diving spots in this place, such as-

  • Davy Jones Locker
  • Sail Rock
  • Turbo Tunnel
  • Suzy’s Wreck
  • Grand Island
  • Shelter Cove etc.

Popular scuba diving organizers of this place:

Professional scuba diving organizers offer various scuba diving in this place for beginners and experts. Some popular organizations are-

  • Dive Goa
  • Elan Adventures
  • Barracuda Diving etc.

Most suitable months for diving: The most suitable season for diving in this location is between October to mid-May.

5. Kovalam in Kerala

Scuba Diving Kovalam in Kerala

This stunning destination is in Kerala, which is nearly 16 km away from Thiruvananthapuram. Nowadays, this beach area is converted into a popular scuba diving location. Bond Safari Kovalam company is vital in promoting scuba diving in this location.

A unique feature of this company is that they use a bond submarine for scuba diving instead of traditional scuba gear. A Bond submarine is an underwater scooter that increases your diving experience. The waters are calm here so you can spot several aquatic animals such as – the odd Moray eel, box fish, pipefish, puffer fish, Bluefin trevally, sergeants, etc.

Best months for scuba diving: The most suitable months for scuba diving in this place are between December and January. During these months, the temperature and humidity remain perfect for this activity.

Popular scuba diving organizers of this place:

Scuba diving in this place is offered by some popular scuba diving organizers, which include-

  • Scuba Cochin Dive Centre
  • Scuba Diving Kovalam
  • Bond Safari Scuba Diving etc.

6. Minicoy in Lakshadweep

Scuba Diving Minicoy in Lakshadweep

It is a dream destination for every scuba diver in India. This stunning location is in the southern part of Lakshadweep Island. This gorgeous place provides attractive sites for scuba diving in India. Surprisingly, you can dive nearly 8 meters deep on the island reef.

Popular scuba diving sites in this place:

As per the information, the SS Hoechst can offer you the best underwater museums. This location is home to a large number of unique fish species. Divers can see here manta rays at several points, which include Mulimatti, Ragganmathi, Rabberufarai, etc. If you want to explore incredible marine biodiversity, go with Bodu Havaligang and Bose Point for scuba diving.

Popular marine attractions of this location:

Due to clean water and low water currents, drivers can see here multiple marine animals, such as-

  • Turtles
  • Large groupers
  • Rays
  • Red and black snappers
  • Sweetlips
  • Jacks
  • Whitetip and blacktip sharks
  • Tuna etc.

7. Puducherry

Scuba Diving Pondicherry

Recently, this place is fast becoming a gateway to some breathtaking scuba diving sites. Here, drivers can notice both artificial and natural reefs. Moreover, this spot also contains countless marine flora and fauna to explore.

The temple reef (built by Temple Adventures) is the most attractive diving spot surrounding this place. This unique artificial reef is made from concrete, iron bars, rocks, aquatic plants, etc. Several professional organizations conducted scuba diving under the guidance of experts.

8. Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu

Scuba Diving Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu

It is an essential spot for scuba diving with some unique sites. The water of this location remains as calm as a lake in the early morning; that’s why several scuba diving organizers arranged their diving during this time. Divers can watch bamboo sharks and house giant corals and various fish. Due to the clear waters, you can see the beautiful corals below from the boat.

Safety Tips For Scuba Diving In India

If you are trying this thrilling activity in your life for the first time, then you have to follow some safety rules. Some of these safety rules are listed below:

  • Don’t try to dive alone because it is always safe to stay with others under the water.
  • Before going under the water, remember to double-check your equipment. Because if you don’t dive with proper equipment, no one can save you.
  • Never hold your breath; try to breathe normally.
  • Always follow your trainer’s instructions because only they can teach you the right path.
  • Don’t dive too deep; giant and dangerous aquatic animals will be there.
  • Last but not least, don’t pollute the water because it is the home of marine flora and fauna. (etc.)

Essential Stuff to Carry for Scuba Diving in India

While scuba diving, you have to carry lots of important stuff. As we all know, a good quality wetsuit and diving mask are mandatory for scuba diving. Moreover, drivers must be required to carry quality diving footwear. Other essential stuff are listed below:

  • Dive Logbook
  • Depth Gauge and Pressure Gauge
  • Sunblock
  • Compass and Submersible
  • Dry Bag
  • Rehydrating Salt etc.


Scuba Diving is an overwhelming experience that you must try at least once. The beautiful underwater world will amaze you with its marine biodiversity. Here you can discover lots of unknown species. The most exciting fact is that you don’t have to be a pro driver to explore scuba diving. Beginners can also get opportunities to experience this thrilling activity. You will lose yourself between the hundreds of colourful fishes in these blue waters.

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